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- Charles Hsu, Zhiming Ma, Liansheng Wu, Kaitang Zhou (周楷唐):The Effect of Stock Liquidity on Corporate Risk-Taking2021-11-04
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- Xun Li (李汛), Yu Qiu (邱彧) Are more children better than one? Evidence from a lab experiment of decision making2021-07-16
- Fang, R., 高宝俊*, & Hu, N. Intangible asset value of employee satisfaction in high-contact services2021-07-13
- Liu, S., Wang, H., 高宝俊*, & Deng, Z. Doctors’ Provision of Online Health Consultation Service and Patient Review Valence: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment2021-07-13
- Liu, S., Wang, N., 高宝俊*, & Gallivan, M. To be similar or to be different? The effect of hotel managers’ rote response on subsequent reviews2021-07-13
- Zhang, T., Liu, F*., 高宝俊*, & Yen, D. Top management team social interaction and conservative reporting decision: A language style matching approach2021-07-13
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