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Hongwu Gan, Shengfeng Lu(卢盛峰), Weijie Lu, Geng Niu, Yang Zhou(周洋)*:Beauty and Stock Market Participation
时间:2023-09-06    点击数:

Abstract: This paper investigates whether beauty, an important natural endowment, affects investment decisions. Using data from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), which provides a photo-based measure of facial beauty, we find that better-looking individuals are more likely to own stocks and invest a larger share of wealth in stocks. We consider a wide range of potential mediators that may drive this relationship between beauty and stock market participation. We find that income and sociability explain a large portion of the beauty effect. For both males and females, beauty has a significant positive impact on stock market participation. Using another dataset that includes the interviewer’s rating of the respondent’s physical attractiveness, we find similar results. Our study contributes to a better understanding of the economic returns to beauty and the source of heterogeneity in household portfolio choice.

Keywords: Beauty; Facial attractiveness; Stock market participation; Mediation analysis.

该文在线发表于《Journal of Banking and Finance》2023年9月,该期刊为betway必威学术期刊分级方案B+级奖励期刊。作者按姓氏排序,周洋为该文通讯作者。
