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Wei Wu

Wei Wu

Professor(Doctorial Tutor, Deputy Director of MBA Center)

The Department of Business Administration

Email: weiwumail@163.com

Phone: +86-27-68753191

PhD, Management, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2002.4—2005.7)

MSc, Economic, School of Economics, Wuhan University of Technology (1999.9—2002.4)

Curriculum Vitae


Ÿ Management, Marketing, ManagementTheory Topic,Management and Research Methods, Organizational Theory and Organizational Behavior

Ÿ Human Resource Management,Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management


Ÿ Professor, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University,2013.11—Now

Ÿ Management and Organization Department, Foster Business School, University of Washington,2012.4—2013.4

Ÿ Vice Professor, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University,2008.11—2013.11

Ÿ Lecturer, School of Business Administration, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2005.7—2008.7


Ÿ China 15th Metallurgical Construction Group Corporate, 1997.7—1999.7


Ÿ Corporate Training (How to Lead YourEmployees), Jing Lun Electronics Co., Ltd.,August 2014

Ÿ Corporate Training (Basis of Management), Dongfeng Honda.,July 2015

Ÿ Corporate Training (Introduction to Management, How to Lead Your Employees), Ma Yinglong Pharmaceutical Group, April 2016

Ÿ Corporate Training (Introduction to Management, How to Lead YourEmployees), Yuanguang Software Group, October 2015

Ÿ Corporate Training (Introduction to Management), Guangdong and Hong Kong Water Supply, March 2016


Journal Papers (International)

Ÿ Corresponding Author,with Fehr, R., Yam, K. C., He, W., Chiang, J.,*Wei, W. Polluted Work: A Self-Control Perspective on Air Pollution, Organizational Citizenship, and Counterproductive Work Behavior,Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2017, 143: 98-110.(学院英文A-)SSCI检索

Ÿ Corresponding Author,with Yam, K. C., Christian, M., *Wei, W., Liao, Z., & Nai, J. TheMixedBlessing ofLeaderSense ofHumor: ExaminingCosts andBenefits. Academy ofManagement Journal, 2018, 61(1): 348-369.(学院英文A)SSCI检索

Ÿ Corresponding Author,with Klotz, A., Yam, K. C., He, W., Bolino, M., *Wei, W., Lawrence, H. Counterproductive Consequences of Daily Impression Management at Work. Journal of Applied Psychology, conditional acceptance.(学院英文A)SSCI检索

Ÿ Tian, Z-L., Hafsi, T., & Wei, W., 2009. “Institutional Determinism and Political Strategies: An Empirical Investigation”,Business & Society,Vol. 48. No. 3, pp.284-325. SSCI检索

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武),Zhao, X.,Li, M.,Warner, M.,Integrating nonmarket and market resources, strategy and performance in Chinese enterprises: A review of the field and a resource-based empirical study,Asia Pacific Business Review,2015,22(2):220-237。SSCI检索

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武),Hu, X.,Li, Y. P.,Peng, P.,Integrating nonmarket and market action, response, and initiating firm performance in competitive dynamics,Management Decision,2015,53(3):512-532。SSCI检索

Ÿ Wei, W(卫武),Li, Y. P.,Zhang, P. C.,Corporate political performance: Approaches and theories,Chinese Management Studies,2014,8(3):418-437。 SSCI检索

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武), & Li, K-K., 2009. “An Empirical Examination of the Corporate Social Performance – the Financial Performance Relationship in China Based on the Different Measures Perspective”,International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations,Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.389-403. EI检索

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武), & Yan, Y-Z., 2011. “Organizational Knowledge Transformation and Its Influencing Factors in Individual, Team and Organizational Level”,International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations,Vol. 8. No.3-4, pp.192-208. EI检索

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武), 2006. “The Relationship among Corporate Political Resources, Political Strategies, and Political Benefits of Firms in China: Based on Resource Dependency Theory”,Singapore Management Review,Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 85-98.

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武), 2008. “Influence of Political Relationship Building on the Business Activity of Firms in China”,Singapore Management Review,Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 73-94.

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武), 2007. “Evaluating Coupon Promotion Performance via Grey Target Theory”,Journal of Management Science,Vol. 1, No. 2.

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武), Tian, Z-L., Dai, X. 2003. “Evaluation of Supply Chain Performance based on Customer Relationship via Grey Target Theory”,Vol. 15, No. 4.

Journal Papers (Domestic)

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武).The Relationship among Corporate Political Resource, Political Strategy and Political Performance in Chinese Environment.Management World(管理世界), 2006, (1).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al.Does the Visibility and Vulnerability of Firms Enhance the Perception and Response to the Pressure of Stakeholders? The Moderation of Dynamic Capability.Management World(管理世界), 2013, (11): 101-117。

Ÿ Wei, W. et al.Political Relation Study of the Business Activity in China.China Industrial Economy(中国工业经济), 2004, (4).

Ÿ Wei, W(卫武).Integrated and Interacted Effects among Corporate Nonmarket and Market Resource, Strategy, Performance.China Industrial Economy(中国工业经济), 2008, (3).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al.Influence among Corporate Political Resource, Strategy and Performance: Based on the Transformation of Government Role.Journal of Management Sciences in China(管理科学学报), 2009, 12(2).

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武).The Influence of Nonmarket and Market Actions, and their Competitive Characteristics on Firm Performance.Nankai Business Review(南开管理评论), 2009, 12(3).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al.The Relationship among Multinational Corporation Market, Nonmarket Strategy, Maneuver and Tactics in China’s Environment.Finance & Trade Economics(财贸经济), 2009, (7).

Ÿ Wei, W., Zhao, X., Hu, X. The Visibility and Vulnerability of Firm Responses to Stakeholder Pressure: Based on the Perspective of Social Embeddedness. Forecasting(预测), 2018, (1).

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武), Liu, M.X. The Influencing Factors of Organizational Knowledge Transform in Different Main Body Levels. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management(管理工程学报), 2012, (1).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al.The Modes of Knowledge Capitalization in Different Main Body Levels: Multiple Case Research. Science Research Management(科研管理), 2012, (8).

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武),Zhang, P.C.,Liu, M.X. Two-Dimension of Organizational Knowledge Transformation in Different Main Body Levels: The Influence of Antecedent Variables and Firm Performance.Nankai Business Review(南开管理评论), 2012, (2).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al. The Construct of Organizational Knowledge Transform in Different Main Body Levels.Studies in Science of Science(科学学研究), 2009, 27(10).

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武) The Relationship between Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance: Based on a Meta-Analysis. Management Review(管理评论), 2012(4).

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武) Corporate Nonmarket Strategy System Model: Based on Case Research of Nokia Company.Wuhan University Journal(Philosophy & Social Sciences)(betway必威学报(哲学社会科学版)), 2008, 61(1).

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武) & He, M.The Relationship between Knowledge Transformation in Cross-level Organizations and Enterprise Performance —— the Mediation of Knowledge Capital.Science & Technology Progress and Policy(科技进步与对策), 2016, 33(19).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al. Transformation and Capitalization of Organizational Knowledge among Different Levels.Journal ofWuhan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)(武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)), 2008, 21(3).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al. Corporate Political Performance Assessment System Model.Foreign Economies & Management(外国经济与管理), 2004, 26(5).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al. Corporate Political Action: The Influence of Economic and Organizational Factors.Management Science in China(管理科学), 2004, 17(3).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al. Effects of Individual, Team and Organizational Level Knowledge Transformation on the Performance.Journal of Intelligence(情报杂志), 2009, 28(9).

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武) Political Action and Benefit in Corporate Strategic Activities.Science & Technology Progress and Policy(科技进步与对策), 2007, 24(11).

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武) A Study on Decision-Making Process of Corporate Nonmarket Strategy.Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Science)(湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)), 2009, 36(2).

Ÿ Wei, W.(卫武) A Study on the Process of Knowledge Capitalization in Individual, Team and Organizational Level.Library and Information Service(图书情报工作), 2009, 53(16).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al. Influence of Organizational Knowledge Transformation on Performance in Different Levels.Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law(中南财经政法大学学报), 2009, (3).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al. Review on Credit Lack Research of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.Chinese circulation economy(中国流通经济), 2003, (4).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al. Process Reengineering Based on R&D-Marketing Interface Management.Management Science in China(管理科学), 2003, 16(5).

Ÿ Wei, W. et al.Skills and Methods of Bid of Construction Enterprises.Price Monthly(价格月刊), 2003, (4).

Ÿ Liu, J., Wei, W.(卫武), Tian, Z.L. Research on Market Price Forecasting Model System.Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)(华中科技大学学报(人文社会科学版)), 2005,(1).

Ÿ Bai, Y. & Wei, W(卫武). Network Marketing in the Information Age.Journal ofWuhan University of Technology(武汉理工大学学报), 2001, (8).

Ÿ Bai, Y. & Wei, W(卫武). Research on e\Enterprise Marketing Positioning System and Method.Science & Technology Progress and Policy(科技进步与对策), 2000, (10).

Ÿ Yang, Z.H. & Wei, W(卫武). The Knowledge Flow of Industry Clusters Network:An Analysis Based on Strength of Network Tie. Library and Information Service(图书情报工作), 2009,(6).

Ÿ Yang, Z.H. & Wei, W(卫武). Evaluation of Industrial Clusters Social Capital: an ANP Approach. East China Economic Management(华东经济管理),2009. (12).

Cases and Practical Papers


Conference Papers (International)

Ÿ Fehr, R.,Yam, K. C.,He, W.,Chiang, J.,Wei, W.(卫武),polluted work: A self-control perspective on air pollution, organizational citizenship, and counterproductive work behavior,Paper presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management,Vancouver,2015.8.7。

Ÿ Klotz, A.,Wei, W.(卫武),Bolino, M. C. Resource-Depletion Perspective on the Counterproductive Consequences of IM at Work, Paper presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management,Anaheim,2016.8.10。

Ÿ Yam, K. C., Liao, Z, Y., Nai, J., Wei, W(卫武).No Laughing Matter: When and How Leader Humor Increases Follower Deviance,Paper presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management,Anaheim,2016.8.10。

Ÿ He, W., Chen, X. P., Hao, P., Wei, W(卫武). Open the Door Positively: The Effects of Leader Framing and Employee Affect on Prohibitive Voice, Paper presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management,Anaheim,2016.8.10。

Ÿ Wei, W., Zhao, X., Liu, M-X. The Effect of Manager Value on Social Goal Attention: Based on the factors of Attention allocation.International Association of Chinese Management Research(IACMR),China, Hanzhou,2016.6.15。

Ÿ Wei, W. Organizational Learning, Attention and Firm ForecastingAbility: The Moderating Effect of Illusion of Control and Overconfidence.International Association of Chinese Management Research(IACMR),China, Beijing,2014.6.13。

Ÿ Wei Wu, 2009. “An Empirical Examination of Organizational Knowledge Transformation and its Influencing Factors in China: Based on Individual, Team and Organizational Level”,International Conference on Management Science and Engineering - 16th Annual Conference Proceedings, Ha Erbin EI

Ÿ Wei Wu, 2006. “Researches of Corporate Political Strategy and Action in Chinese Transitional Environment”,Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Public Administration, Chengdou ISTP

Ÿ Wei Wu, 2007. “Analyzing Organizational Knowledge Transformation Capability via Grey Target Theory”,The Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management & The 1st International Conference on Asian Industrial Engineering and Management, Wuhan

Ÿ Wei Wu, 2007. “Global Marketing Strategic Research of Information Technology Enterprises”,2007 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, Wuhan

Ÿ Wei Wu, 2009. “The Construct of Organizational Knowledge Transformation in Different Levels”,2009 The Third International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Wuhan


Ÿ Wei. W(卫武). Management. Tsinghua University Press(清华大学出版社), 2013.


Ÿ Wei, W(卫武). The Relation of Corporate Political Strategy and Political Performance.Zhejiang University Press(浙江大学出版社), 2008.

Ÿ Wei, W(卫武).The Influence of Organizational Knowledge Transformation on Performance in Different Main Body Levels: Based on a Perspective of KnowledgeCapital. China Social Sciences Publishing House(中国社会科学出版社), 2011.





Ÿ Presided, Social Science Foundation of China (SSFC) for “Influence of Organizational Knowledge Transformation and Its Performance in Different Levels: Based on Knowledge Capital Theory and Empirical Research”. No.07CTQ013(2007 - 2010)

Ÿ Presided, Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC) for “Firm’s Perception and Response to Stakeholder Pressure: Multilevel Perspective of Organizational Attention”. No.71272231(2013- )

Ÿ Presided, Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education (MOE) of China for “Interaction and Integration of Corporate Nonmarket and Market Strategy in China: Based on Case and Empirical Research of Strategy Management Theory” . No.06JC630029(2006 - 2010)

Ÿ Sub-project Leader, Major projects of National Social Science Fund for “A Study on the Development of Chinese Management Science since China's Reform and Opening up”. No.10& ZD136(2010 - 2015)

Ÿ Research fellow, Humanities and Social Sciences in Wuhan University of The academic development plan of "70 after" scholars for “The Research Team of International Competitiveness of Chinese Enterprises”. No.WD70BSM(2012 - 2015)

Ÿ Presided, Social Science Foundation of Wuhan of China for “The Measuring and Evaluating System of Corporate Social Performance”. No.09009(2009 - 2011)

Ÿ Presided, Independent Scientific Research(Natural Science) of Wuhan University for “the Relationship among Organizational Knowledge Transformation, Knowledge Capital and Firm Performance in Dynamic Environment”. No.1101017(2010 - 2012)

Ÿ Presided, Humanities and Social Sciences Research of Hubei Provincial Department of Education for “A study on the relationship between corporate political strategy and corporate political performance in China”. No.2006q018(2006 - )

Ÿ Presided,Wuhan University Degree Graduate Courses Case Project for “The Restructuring Road of Unilever and P & G”.(2012 - )

Ÿ Presided, Wuhan University Graduate Quality Course Construction Project for “Seminar on Management Theory”.(2013 - )

Ÿ Presided,Wuhan University Degree GraduateQuality CoursesProject for “Management”.(2014 - )

Ÿ Research fellow, Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) for “The Theory Research of the Influence of Corporate Political Strategy on Government-Enterprise Relations”. No.70172032(2002 - 2005)


Ÿ Research fellow, Foundation of Jiangzuan Co., Ltd. for “The Execution of Marketing Audit and Market Orientation”(2003 - 2004)

Ÿ Research fellow, Foundation of Wuhan Jianmin Pharmaceutical Groups Co, Ltd. for “Corporate Strategy Management System”.(2002 - 2003)


Ÿ Award in theThirdPrize by the tenth Hubei Provincial Social Science Award for outstanding achievement in 2016, “Does the Visibility and Vulnerability of Firms Enhance the Perception and Response to the Pressure of Stakeholders? The Moderation of Dynamic Capability”.

Ÿ Award in the Best Prize bythe 75th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management “Polluted work: A self-control perspective on air pollution”.

Ÿ Award in theThirdPrize in the Wuhan annual Twelfth Social Science Research Excellence Award in 2011.

Ÿ Award in the first prize in the Hubei Institute of marketing in 2011 and annual Outstanding Academic Paper in 2003.


Ÿ Consultant and Reviewer of China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center of MOE

Ÿ Correspondent and Reviewer of Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

Ÿ Member of Anonymous Reviewer of Nankai Business Review

Ÿ Member of Anonymous Reviewer ofManagement Review

Ÿ Member of Anonymous Reviewer of Management and Organization Review

Ÿ Member of Anonymous Reviewer of Journal of Business Research

Ÿ Anonymous Reviewer ofInternational Association of Chinese Management Research(IACMR)


Ÿ Member of IACMR

Ÿ Member of AOM