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Hu Hui

Hu, Hui

Professor, Vice Director of Department of Economics

Director Assistant of Center for Economic Development Research

Email: huizai1368@126.com

Phone : +86-27-68753122

DBA, Business Administration, University of Canberra, Australia  

MSc, Economics, Australian National University, Australia

B.A., Economics, Wuhan University, China


Ÿ Teaching courses: Macroeconomics; Microeconomics; Banking and Finance; Investments

Ÿ Research Areas: Environmental & Resource Economics and Management; Financial Management


Ÿ Vice Director of Department of Economics, Wuhan University, March 2018 – present

Ÿ Professor of Department of Economics, Wuhan University, November 2022 – present

Ÿ Associate Professor of Department of Economics, Wuhan University, April 2012 – November 2022

Ÿ Postdoctoral Researcher of Faculty of Business and Government, University of Canberra, September 2011 – March 2012

Ÿ Tutor of Faculty of Business and Government, University of Canberra, January 2011 – June 2011

Ÿ Research Assistant of Faculty of Business and Government, University of Canberra, May 2009 – August 2011


Selected Journal Papers

Ÿ Wang, Y., Hui Hu*, Dai, W., Kelly, B. Evaluation of industrial green development and industrial green competitiveness: Evidence from Chinese urban agglomerations. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 124, 107371 (SSCI/SCI).

Ÿ Xie, N., Hui Hu*, Fang, D.B., Shi, X.P., Luo, S.G., Kelly, B. An empirical analysis of financial markets and instruments influencing the low-carbon electricity production transition. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 280, 124415 (SSCI/SCI).

Ÿ Hui Hu, Tang, P., Zhu, Y, et al. The impact of policy intensity on overcapacity in low-carbon energy industry: Evidence from photovoltaic firms. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2020, 8, 577515 (SSCI/SCI).

Ÿ Huangfu, Z., Hui Hu*, Xie, N., Zhu, Y. Q., Chen, H., Wang, Y. The heterogeneous influence of economic growth on environmental pollution: Evidence from municipal data of China. Petroleum Science, 2020, 17(4), 1180-1193 (SCI).

Ÿ Li, J., Hui Hu*, Li, X., Jin, Q., Huang, T. Economic benefit of shale gas exploitation based on back propagation neural network. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2020, 39(6), 8823-8830 (SCI).

Ÿ Hui Hu, Ran, W., Wei, Y., Li, X. Do energy resource curse and heterogeneous curse exist in provinces? Evidence from China. Energies, 2020, 13, 4383 (SSCI/SCI).

Ÿ Hui Hu, Xie, N., Fang, D., et al. The role of renewable energy consumption and commercial services trade in carbon dioxide reduction: Evidence from 25 developing countries. Applied Energy, 2018, 211: 1229-1244 (SSCI/SCI; ESI Highly Cited Paper).

Ÿ Hui Hu, Lei, T., Hu, J., et al. Disaster-mitigating and general innovative responses to climate disasters: Evidence from modern and historical China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2018, 28, 664-673 (SSCI/SCI).

Ÿ Jin, Q., Pearce, P., Hui Hu*. The study on the satisfaction of the elderly people living with their children. Social Indicators Research, 2018, 140(3), 1159-1172 (SSCI).

Ÿ Lu, Z., Jiang, H., Hui Hu*, et al. Prediction of carbon dioxide emissions in environmental pollution monitoring based on data fusion analysis of GPRS and GIS data. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2017, 18(4): 1637-1648 (SCI).

Ÿ Hui Hu, Li, X., Yang, F., Islam, J. Total factor productivity and energy intensity: An empirical study of China’s cement industry. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2016, 52(6), 1405-1413 (SSCI).

Ÿ Islam, J., Sathye, M., Hui Hu*. Examining the relationship between corporate governance and bank performance in Bangladesh. South African Journal of Business Management, 2015, 46(4): 43-52 (SSCI).

Ÿ Dang, X., Hui Hu*, Wang, S. et al. Nanomaterials-based Electrochemical Sensors for Nitric Oxide. Microchimica Acta, 2015, 182(3-4): 455-467 (SCI).

Ÿ Hui Hu, Li, X., Nguyen, A.D., Kavan, P. A critical evaluation of waste incineration plants in Wuhan (China) based on site selection, environmental influence, public health and public participation. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2015, 12(7): 7593-7614 (SCI).

Ÿ Zheng, D., Hui Hu*, Liu, X., et al. Application of graphene in electrochemical sensing. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 2015, 20(5-6): 383-405 (SCI).

Ÿ Hui Hu, Kavan, P. Energy Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emissions of China’s Non-metallic Mineral Products Industry: Present State, Prospects and Policy Analysis, Sustainability, 2014, 6(11): 8012-8028 (SSCI/SCI).

Ÿ Yang, M., Fan, Y., Yang, F., Hui Hu. Regional disparities in carbon dioxide reduction from China's uniform carbon tax: A Perspective on interfactor/interfuel substitution. Energy, 2014, 74(1): 131-139 (SSCI/SCI).

Ÿ Hui Hu, Jin, Q., Kavan, P. A study of heavy metal pollution in China: current status, pollution-control policies and countermeasures. Sustainability, 2014, 6(9): 5820-5838 (SSCI/SCI).

Ÿ Hui Hu, Jiang, Y., Jin, Q., Islam, J. The effects of standardized water accounting: Evidence from the water accounting standards in Australia. Life Science Journal -Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition, 2013, 10(3): 427-432.

Ÿ Islam, J., Talukder, M., Hui Hu. The impact of technology, job complexity and religiosity on managerial performance. Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal, 2011, 5(4): 19-42.  

Ÿ Islam, J., Ali, M.M., Hui Hu. Problems and prospects of breakthrough thinking for operations management in Bangladesh: An analysis. Journal of Japan Planology Society, 2011, 17(1): 8-24.

Ÿ Hui Hu, Lim, W.F. Foreign Currency derivative and firm value–An Australian study. Global Business and Finance Review, 2010, 15(1): 68-78.

Selected Conference Papers

Ÿ Hui Hu. Performance Management and Performance Appraisal: A Case Study in Human Resource Management, The International Conference Management and Information Engineering Proceedings2012pp. 1594-1598.

Ÿ Hui Hu. Gathering Data in Business and Industrial Studies: Comparing Structured Interviewing with Unstructured Interviewing, The International Conference Management and Information Engineering Proceedings2012, pp.1611-1614.

Ÿ Hui Hu and Danni Wang. Momentum Factor in Australian Securities Market, The International Conference Management and Information Engineering Proceedings2012, pp.1052-1055.

Ÿ Hui Hu. A Theoretical Analysis on the Sequence of China's Economic Liberalization, The International Workshop on Economics, The 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government Proceedings, Shanghai, China, May 6-8, 2011.

Ÿ Hui Hu and Danni Wang. The Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability in the Modern Corporation, the International Workshop on Economics, The 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government Proceedings, Shanghai, China, May 6-8, 2011.

Ÿ Hui Hu, Milind Sathye. A Study of Financial Distress Prediction for Chinese Growth Enterprise Market, the 10th Hawaii International Conference on Business Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 26-30, 2010.

Ÿ Jesmin Islam, Milind Sathye, Hui Hu. The Evolution of Corporate Governance Practices in Bangladeshi Banks with the Implementation of the Code of Corporate Governance, the Second International Conference of Global Business and Management Forum, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 22-23, 2009.

Ÿ Jesmin Islam, Milind Sathye, Hui Hu. Has the Introduction of the Code of Corporate Governance (CGC) improved corporate Governance practices of banks in Bangladesh? An Empirical Investigation, the Third New Zealand Management Accounting Conference, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, November 19-20, 2009.


Ÿ Ye, C., Xiao, L., Hu Hui. Development Report of Development Economics in China (2018-2019), Wuhan University Press, 2020

Ÿ Ye, C., Xiao, L., Hu Hui. Development Report of Development Economics in China (2016-2017), Wuhan University Press, 2018

Ÿ Hui Hu, Predicting Corporate Financial Distress: Evidence from Chinese Growth Enterprises. Germany: LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013.


Government-funded grants

Ÿ Major Program of Chinese National Social Science Foundation, 800000, 2021-2024, Ref. 20&ZD072 (involved).

Ÿ Major Program of Chinese National Social Science Foundation, 800000, 2020-2023, Ref. 19ZDA083 (involved).

Ÿ Major Program of Chinese National Social Science Foundation, 800000, 2017-2020, Ref. 16ZDA006 (involved).

Ÿ National Natural Science Fund of China, 475000, 2020-2023, Ref. 71974151.

Ÿ National Natural Science Fund of China, 150000, 2017-2019, Ref. 71603193.

Ÿ Social Science Research Fund from the Chinese Ministry of Education, 80000, 2015-2017, Ref. 14YJCZH055.

Ÿ Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Chinese Ministry of Education, 20000, 2015-2017, Ref. 105212000125.

Ÿ Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities in China, 30000, 2016-2017.

Ÿ Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities in China, 20000, 2014-2015.

Ÿ Social Science Research Fund from the Chinese Ministry of Education, 80000, 2014-2016, Ref. No. 13YJC630222 (involved).

Ÿ Social Science Research Fund from the Chinese Ministry of Education, 80000, 2014-2016, Ref. No. 13YJC790099 (involved).

Ÿ National Natural Science Fund of China, 2015-2017, 230000, Ref. No. G030701 (involved).

Corporate-funded grants

Ÿ Research Fund provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 700002013-2015.


Ÿ The third prize instructor of the Sixth National College Students energy economy academic creative competition in 2020

Ÿ Outstanding Teaching Performance Award of Wuhan University in 2019-2020 academic year

Ÿ 2019 Excellent Thesis Instructor of Wuhan University

Ÿ Top 10 undergraduate teaching evaluation of School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University in 2018-2019 academic year

Ÿ 2017 “Outstanding Lecturer” in School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University

Ÿ 2016 Excellent Graduate Thesis Instructor of Hubei Province

Ÿ 2015Excellent Mentor of Wuhan University

Ÿ Top 10 undergraduate teaching evaluation of Wuhan University School of Economics and Management in 2014-2015 academic year

Ÿ Third prize in the teaching competition of Wuhan University School of Economics and Management in 2014

Ÿ 2014 Excellent Mentor of School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University

Ÿ Third prize in the teaching research papers competition of Wuhan University in 2014

Ÿ 2011Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad


Ÿ Applied Economics(SSCI)Energy Economics(SSCI)Journal of Business Economics & Management(SSCI)China Agricultural Economic Review(SSCI)Social Indicators Research(SSCI)International Journal of Conflict Management(SSCI)Extractive Industries & Society-An International Journal(SSCI)Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning & Policy(SCI)Science of the Total Environment (SCI)Environmental Science & Pollution Research(SCI)IEEE Access (SCI)BMJ Open (SCI)PLOS ONE (SCI).

Ÿ Reviewer for National Natural Science Fund of China


Ÿ Member of Energy Economics and Management Research Association of China

Ÿ Member of China Low Carbon Development Management Committee

Ÿ Member of Society for the Study of Emerging Markets

Ÿ Professional Qualification of Australian Economist