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Transfers in Non-cooperative Games

Speaker:Pradeep Dubey

Time: 15:00~17:00pm, Monday, September 9,2019

Site:EMS A208

Abstract: Consider players at a Nash Equilibrium (NE) of a non-cooperative game of money, which serves as their “status quo” in that game. We examine the possibility that they might innovate monetary transfers amongst themselves, thereby changing the game. In the domain of transfers which — in conjunction with concomitant NE of the changed game — are both “transparent” and “budget-balanced”, our focus is on those where all players are made better off compared to the status quo. By way of key examples, we analyse the Prisoners’ Dilemma, the Centipede Game, Contests, and Crime and Punishment (in a population equilibrium).

Introduction to the Speaker:

Professor Dubey was born in India in 1951. He is currently a Leading Professor of the Department of Economics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, Senior Fellow at the Cowles Foundation at Yale University, an Adjunct Professor at Yale University, Fellow of Econometric Society, and the founding member of Game Theory Society. Professor Dubey received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Cornell University in 1975. His research interests are mainly in the areas of Game Theory, General Equilibrium Theory and Information Economics. Professor Dubey has profound knowledge and rich accumulation in microeconomic theory. For more than 40 years, dozens of research results have been published in international top journals such as Econometrica, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, and Mathematics of Operations Research,etc.