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The 2024 Annual Forum of the Finance Branch of the Shanghai Alumni Association of Wuhan University was concluded successfully

On September 7th, the 2024 Annual Forum of the Finance Branch of the Shanghai Alumni Association of Wuhan University was held in Shanghai. Nie Jun, the dean of the Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, Yang Zhiwei, the deputy secretary of the Party Committee, Wei Lijia, the director of the Department of Mathematical Economics and Mathematical Finance, He Shaojun, the chairperson of the Shanghai Alumni Association of Wuhan University, Zhou Hao, the chairperson of the Finance Branch of the Shanghai Alumni Association, Fang Guobin, the executive vice chairperson, Ruan Hao, the vice chairperson, Yue Zhigang, the president of China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co., Ltd., three alumni over 90 years old, namely Huang Jianhua, Ni Ming, and Shen Hexi, as well as nearly 400 alumni from various fields attended the forum. The forum was hosted by Ma Zheng, the executive secretary of the Finance Branch.



Firstly, in his speech, Nie Jun expressed his congratulations on the successful holding of the annual forum of the Finance Branch of the Shanghai Alumni Association of Wuhan University and extended a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the alumni present. He introduced the current development status and achievements of the school and the college to the alumni. He emphasized that the college is constantly improving its governance system and strengthening connections with various groups, including alumni, in terms of alumni work and local liaison. Listening to the opinions and suggestions of alumni and responding to their concerns is of great significance for enhancing the educational quality of the college. He pointed out that we are currently in a new era where the Party and the country are deeply implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development, vigorously promoting the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, striving to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and accelerating the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We must unite and strive to fulfill our mission without fail, live up to the trust placed upon us, and forge ahead towards loftier goals.

Next, He Shaojun delivered a welcome speech. He expressed his warm congratulations on the annual forum of the Finance Branch of the Shanghai Alumni Association of Wuhan University and expressed high expectations for the future development of the Finance Branch. At the same time, he hoped to strengthen the connection between alumni and the school and strive to overcome the current difficulties. One should always closely link personal destiny with the destiny of the country and humanity, and achieve the unity of personal development and social progress.


Subsequently, Wang Jianchao, the secretary-general of the Finance Branch of the Shanghai Alumni Association, reported on the progress of the work of the Finance Branch. He hoped that more alumni could join the activities of the Finance Branch, help each other, and make progress together.

During the theme sharing session of the annual forum, five specially invited guests delivered splendid special reports respectively. The session was hosted by alumnus Zhang Xiwen.

Zhou Hao shared his over thirty years of experience around "The Development and Outlook of the Credit Market" and introduced how Shengang Asset Management creates characteristics in credit bond investment and achieves rapid growth in scale and revenue.

Wei Lijia introduced the current status of "Digital Economy and Digital Finance" and how the collaborative work between humans and large models can significantly improve the efficiency and capability of various types of work and increase social welfare in these fields. The collaborative work between humans and large models will be the (most) important direction for the development of the digital economy and digital finance.

Taking the logical framework as the entry point, Ruan Hao made a sharing titled "New-Quality Productivity and the Main Tracks of Semiconductors", clarifying that the development in recent years lies more in the "expansion in breadth" and "improvement in efficiency" rather than the "leap in high dimensions".

Yue Zhigang conducted a "Macroeconomic Interpretation" mainly from three aspects: the current economic operation pattern and characteristics in China, the problems and challenges during the economic recovery process, and the economic and policy outlook after the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Fang Guobin analyzed in detail "How Enterprises Introduce Strategic Investors" for the attending alumni with numerous examples from companies such as Morgan Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Ping An, etc., telling an attractive story and presenting beautiful figures to reflect a good valuation.

During the roundtable discussion session, young alumni in Shanghai, Zhang Li (overseas private equity operation), Zhang Yuan (futures researcher), Huang Qifan (brokerage products), Zou Zishuai (brokerage wealth), Zhou Zhiguang (doctoral student in finance at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics), etc., conducted a discussion and sharing on the theme of "Financial Youth's Professional Predicaments and Breakthroughs in the New Cycle". The roundtable discussion was hosted by alumnus Liu Zheyu (brokerage stock business).


It is learned that the Finance Branch of the Shanghai Alumni Association of Wuhan University is affiliated with the Shanghai Alumni Association of Wuhan University, aiming to serve alumni of Wuhan University who graduated from economic and management majors and are employed in the finance industry in Shanghai. The Shanghai Finance Branch was established in 2013. As the branch with the largest number of members among the Shanghai Alumni Associations at present, according to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 4,000 alumni employed in the finance field in Shanghai, and fresh blood is injected every year. This event provided a platform for full communication among alumni in the financial field, allowing everyone to recount their school friendship in their busy work.