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In 2012 Our School’s Number of Papers Listed in Three Major Indexes Sets a New Record

In 2012, our School’s research theses were fruitful in both number and quality. There is a sharp increase in the number of the theses included by three major indexes and other periodicals, among which the number of the theses included by SCI is 9, the number of the theses include by SSCI is 28 and the number of the theses included by EI is 41, and among which there are 39 theses published on leading periodicals. Fundamental research work has great achievements once again.

The article An Empirical Analysis of Virtual Goods Permission Rights and Pricing Strategies which was jointly written by Dan Ke, a young teacher of our School, Ba.SL, Stallaert.J and Zhang.ZJ with Dan Ke as the first author has been published on Decision Sciences, which is a source periodical of SSCI and SCI and published by Wiley & Black Decision-making Institute. It is one of the most important academic periodicals. It ranks top ten among disciplinary journals and those papers published on it are the latest and most important academic research fruits in fields like inter-organizational decision-making and inter-enterprise coordinative decision-making, promoting and accelerating the decision-making theory research in crossing fields like the function of enterprises and organizations of enterprises.

Prof. Minghui Xu has published an academic thesis under the title of Optimal Inventory Control Policy for Periodic-Review Inventory Systems with Inventory-Level-Dependent Demand on Naval Research Logistics (Vol.59, No.6) as the corresponding author. The thesis studies a periodical counting inventory system in which the demand is stochastic and depends on opening inventory level of the stage. Optimal inventory control policies are described respectively for different situations. The study will provide some help and instruction for retail companies on the optimized management of stock articles. Naval Research Logistics is the source periodical of SSCI, SCI and EI, which is issued by John Wiley & Sons and is a world-renown periodical in field of operation and supply chain management.

With the practicing of the overseas talent recruitment project and the connotative development strategy of the teaching body, our School’s overall scientific research level is elevated constantly and the quality and number of scientific research achievements are increasing year after year. Especial mention should be made that the number and the quality of the theses published on overseas periodicals achieve significant progress and the number of theses retrieved in English on SCI, SSCI and EI takes a leading position among the economic and management schools in whole China.