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时间:2018-10-19    点击数:




  时 间:2018年10月26日(周五)

  地 点:第六会议室(A421)




  报告人:何石军,西南财经大学经济学院讲师,北京大学经济学博士,清华大学经济史博士后,主要研究经济史、金融史,论文发表于Review of Finance,经济学(季刊)、金融研究、北京大学学报等国际和国内期刊。



  讲座题目:Corporate Tax Benefits from Politicians’ Hometown

  摘要:This paper investigates the impact of the geographic coincidence of firms and political leaders on corporate tax benefits. Taking advantage of a unique tax disclosure rule in China, which allows us to identify firm-specific tax benefits, we find that firms enjoy more favorable tax treatments if their registered city is the incumbent provincial leader’s hometown. This result is not driven by quid-pro-quo exchanges and informational advantage of the political leader. However, the effect is attenuated when the leader has stronger promotion incentives. Moreover, we show heterogeneities in the effect of hometown connection on corporate tax benefits in terms of the cost-benefit trade-off. Overall, our study sheds light on how the social identity of politicians engenders tax benefits for business entities.

  报告人:曹春方,中山大学管理学院会计学系副教授、博士生导师。研究领域为公司治理与公司财务。已在Review of Finance、、Corporate Governance: An International Review、International Review of Economics and Finance(3篇)、《经济研究》(2篇)、《管理世界》(5篇)等期刊发表和录用多篇论文,主持两项国家自然科学基金。




  讲座题目:Impulse balance and framing effects in threshold public good games

  摘要:In this paper we revisit the evidence for framing effects in threshold public good games. Our particular focus is on why the probability of providing the public good appears to be higher in positive, give frames compared to negative, take frames. We show that impulse balance theory can explain this effect. We also report on a new experiment designed to test the predictions of impulse balance theory. The results of the experiment fit well, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, with our predictions.

  报告人:薛莲,betway必威经济系助理教授、经济学博士,博士毕业于英国东安格利亚大学(University of East Anglia),硕士毕业于英国华威大学(University of Warwick)。主要研究行为经济、博弈论等方向。目前已在 Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 国际期刊上发表一篇文章。




  讲座题目:The Interactions between Endowment and Environment: Evidence from a Social Experiment on Twins

  摘要:Does endowment moderate the effect of environmental adversities? This question has profound implications for income inequality, but few studies provide a clean identification of the endowment-environment interaction. We explore a social experiment, i.e., China's send-down campaign, and birthweight differences in genetically identical twins to obtain exogenous variations in environment and endowment, respectively. The send-down campaign forced millions of Chinese urban youths to do hard agriculture works in rural areas during China's cultural revolution. We find that the send-down experience strengthens a child with a higher endowment relative to the one with a lower endowment. If the higher endowed male was sent down to the countryside, he earns higher wage, attains more years of schooling after send-down, marries a better educated wife, and receives more wedding gifts from his parents. By contrast, we do not find a robust endowment-environment interaction for females. Our findings imply that adverse environmental shocks tend to enlarge income inequality.

  报告人:郭汝飞,betway必威助理教授,世界经济系副主任。2017年获香港中文大学经济学博士学位。研究方向为劳动经济学与发展经济学,关注教育、婚姻、生育、养老和健康等问题。论文发表于Journal of Comparative Economics, Annals of Economics and Finance 和《经济研究》等学术期刊。




  讲座题目: Winter is Coming: Early-life Experiences and Politicians’ Decisions

  摘要:The preferences of politician matter in policy-making. This paper focuses on the role of local politicians’ early-life experiences in their policy decisions in office. We exploit the China’s Great Famine from 1959 to 1961 as a natural experiment and examine the fiscal decisions of those county Party secretaries who experienced the famine in early childhood. The results indicate that if the secretary experienced a severer famine that decreased the agricultural population by 10% during their early childhood, other things being equal, they will spend 6.8% more on agriculture and 10.6% more on social security. Moreover, a 10% severer famine experienced during their early childhood decreases agricultural tax by 38.8% and VAT by 5.6%. Further, the long-term impact of secretaries early-childhood exposure to the famine comes from the preference formation, instead of their beliefs about future similar events. Counterfactual experiments suggest that these preferences changes have substantial influence on Chinese agriculture. To examine the channel of famine effect, we exploit the household survey data with a particular focus on Communist Party members. Analyses show that famine experience changes their relevant attitudes significantly.

  报告人: 梁平汉,中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院教授,博士生导师,西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学经济学博士。研究领域为博弈论、实验经济学、政治经济学、发展经济学等。曾在Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Comparative Economics, Review of Development Economics, 《经济研究》《管理世界》《经济学》(季刊)《世界经济》等国内外权威核心学术期刊上独立(第一作者)发表论文十余篇。获教育部高等院校青年教师奖,入选“第十一批四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选”,主持国家自然科学基金项目。
