讲座题目:Bank Expertise and Structural Transformation(银行专业技能与经济结构变迁)
主 讲 人:张罡 长江商学院
We study how bankers' expertise in identifying productive projects impacts the economic structure. We examine the U.S. 1980s interstate banking deregulation as a quasi-natural experiment on the structural transformation of non-financial sectors across states. The economic structure of those states with deregulated banking sectors became closer to each other because bankers brought their expertise to find productive projects across state borders. We build a two-state, two-sector search-and-matching model where bankers' expertise determines sector-specific matching efficiency between bankers and producers. As deregulation makes bankers' expertise more accessible across states, the economic structure converges across states, especially when firms depend on external funding.
张罡博士现为长江商学院经济学助理教授。于2018年获得美国弗吉尼亚大学经济学博士学位。其研究成果发表在国际货币基金组织经济研究 (IMF Economic Review), 宏观动态 (Macroeconomic Dynamics) 等国际学术期刊上。曾在美国联邦储备银行堪萨斯分行 (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)担任论文实习生 (Dissertation Internship),在泛美开发银行 (Inter-American Development Bank)和美国统计局三角洲数据中心 (Triangle Census Research Data Center)担任研究员。