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时间:2024-11-21  阅读:

讲座题目:The “Chinese path”: uneven development, projectment, and socialism(项目制中的中国发展路径)

主讲人:Elias Marco Khalil Jabbour 里约热内卢州立大学




Numerous indicators have demonstrated the robustness and resilience of the Chinese development process over the past decades. However, it is not uncommon to perceive, in current analyses, the Chinese process as just another case of successful catching-up, a latecomer of Asian matrix like Japan and South Korea. In this presentation, we propose the categories "uneven development", "projectment", and "socialism" as fundamental supports in a background analysis of the real explanatory reasons for the Chinese success.



Elias Marco Khalil Jabbour是里约热内卢州立大学经济科学学院(FCE-UERJ)和经济科学研究生项目(PPGCE-FCE-UERJ)、国际关系研究生项目(PPGRI-UERJ)特聘副教授,新开发银行(金砖银行)行长顾问。1997年获得地理学学士学位,并分别于2005年和2010年获得人文地理学硕士、博士学位,均毕业于圣保罗大学。曾任巴西众议院议长的经济顾问,并在中国经济领域出版了七本书籍,发表了100多篇论文。在地理学和经济学领域,尤其在人文与经济地理学、政治经济学、国际政治经济学和经济规划方面具备丰富经验。主要研究方向包括:国家和比较发展战略与经验、马克思主义经济和社会形态问题等。曾获得中华人民共和国国家新闻出版署授予的中华图书特殊贡献奖。

Consultant to the Presidency of the New Development Bank (BRICS Bank) and Licensed Associate Professor at the School of Economic Sciences of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (FCE-UERJ), the Graduate Program in Economic Sciences (PPGCE-FCE-UERJ) and the Postgraduate Program in International Relations (PPGRI-UERJ). He has a degree in Geography (1997), a PhD (2010) and a Master's (2005) in Human Geography from the University of São Paulo. He was Economic Advisor to the President of the Chamber of Deputies (Brasília-DF). Published seven books and more than 100 papers on Chinese dynamics. He has experience in Geography and Economics with an emphasis on Human and Economic Geography, Political Economy, International Political Economy and Economic Planning, working mainly on the following subjects: China, Categories of Transition to Socialism, National and Comparative Development Strategies and Experiences, Marxist Category of Economic and Social Formation and Ignacio Rangel's Independent Thought. Winner of the Special Book Award of China granted by the National Press and Publications Administration of the Peoples Republic of China.