讲座题目:New Insights into Gift-Giving(送礼物的新见解)
主讲人:姜宇威 香港理工大学 教授
Social relationships are fundamental to humankind’s happiness and well-being. To establish and maintain these relationships, we give gifts to each other on various occasions. The prevalence of gift-giving spurs an ever-growing gift industry, and it is important for marketing and consumer researchers to fully understand how consumers select their gifts. This talk covers two ongoing research projects about how consumers select gifts for others. Specifically, these two projects investigate 1) how romantic motive shapes gift selection, and 2) how consumers react to gifts with a minimalistic design. Together, findings from these two projects offer novel insight into consumers’ unique cognition and motivation in different gifting contexts.
姜宇威,香港理工大学市场营销学教授,先后在国际关系学院获得经济学学士学位,在香港科技大学(HKUST)获得经济学硕士学位和市场营销博士学位。姜教授在2024年入选国家级高层次人才,在2020年被评为美国营销科学学会(MSI)杰出学者,在2019年被评为杰出JCR审稿人,在2015年被评为美国营销科学学会(MSI)青年学者,并在2008年成为美国市场营销协会-谢斯(AMA-Sheth)博士论坛研究员。姜教授担任Journal of Consumer Psychology和International Journal of Research in Marketing副主编,Journal of Consumer Research客座副主编及编委会成员,以及Journal of the Association for Consumer Research疫情改变经济特刊的联合主编。姜教授的研究聚焦于消费者心理学领域,广泛探索社会影响、自我概念和视觉营销如何塑造消费者的判断和决策。姜教授以其卓越的学术贡献跻身于全球最具生产力的50位市场营销学者之一(2024年排名第17位)。其研究成果发表于众多顶尖学术期刊之上,如Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Consumer Psychology Review。