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讲座预告 | 景林珞珈论坛第251期
时间:2024-10-18  阅读:

讲座题目:Macroeconomics of Racial Disparities: Discrimination, Labor Market, and Wealth(种族差异的宏观经济学:歧视、劳动力市场和财富)

主 讲 人:杨关忆 科罗拉多学院




This paper investigates how racial discrimination in hiring impacts employment, wages, and wealth between black and white workers. We develop a labor search-and-matching model that includes both black and white workers and firms with and without racially biased hiring practices. We find that labor market frictions allow discriminatory practices to persist as an equilibrium outcome. These practices contribute significantly to the black-to-white wage and wealth gaps, explaining approximately 52% of the average wage gap and 16% of the median wealth gap. Moreover, discriminatory hiring exacerbates unemployment and wage volatility for black workers, leading to countercyclical racial unemployment gaps and procyclical racial wage disparities. Removing prejudiced firms reduces these disparities and enhances black workers' welfare, though the economic output and welfare for white workers decline slightly due to imperfect substitution by non-prejudiced firms.



杨关忆,科罗拉多学院经济与商业系的Gerald L. Schlessman助理教授,同时也是全球劳工组织(Global Labor Organization, GLO)的研究员。他在俄亥俄州立大学获得经济学博士学位,研究领域主要集中在宏观经济学和劳动经济学。研究专注于开发以微观数据和理论为基础的异质主体一般均衡模型(Heterogeneous Agent General Equilibrium Models),并利用这些模型分析各类政策相关问题。当前的研究重点包括:一是内生劳动市场摩擦对经济周期的影响,二是财富与收入不平等的相互关系及其宏观影响。