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时间:2024-05-11    点击数:

讲座题目: Multi-Source Procurement Planning: A Distributionally Robust Approach(多供应源的鲁棒采购规划)

主讲人:付琦 澳门大学





We study a distributionally robust capacity planning problem with multiple supply sources. The firm reserves various capacities in the procurement stage, and in the fulfillment stage, the firm uses the available capacities to produce the end product to satisfy the realized demand. The capacities from different sources incur different reservation and processing costs. When only the mean and variance of the demand distribution are known, we apply the max-min criterion to design a distributionally robust capacity plan. We propose a joint optimization approach to establish a set of optimality conditions on the robust capacity plan. This approach enables us to derive the worst-case distribution, the optimal robust capacity vector, and the worst-case expected profit in closed forms. The closed-form expressions for the worst distribution and profit have a nice geometric interpretation, enabling us to further develop upper and lower bounds on the worst-case expected profit and to examine the portfolio effect. We demonstrate that the full benefit of the portfolio effect can be attained by engaging with the two most suitable sources. Our study advances our understanding of applications of robust optimization tools for a class of inventory models with multiple sources, locations, and grades. The findings provide practical insights for distributionally robust multisource capacity planning.



付琦,澳门大学工商管理学院,商业智能与分析副教授。主要研究领域为运营与供应链管理、鲁棒性库存管理。研究工作主要发表于Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research等。