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时间:2024-05-11    点击数:

讲座题目:Paving the Green Tracks: The Environmental Impact of Heavy-haul Railways in China(中国重载铁路的环境影响)

主讲人:谭娅    对外经济贸易大学




This paper studies how heavy-haul railways affect the environmental outcomes of air pollution. We exploit the large-scale progressive expansion of three heavy-haul railways in China as a quasi-natural experiment and construct a difference-in-differences model to identify its effect on air pollutants both along the heavy-haul railway itself and along the road transportation routes for coal that have been partly replaced by the heavy-haul railways. The results show that heavy-haul railway transportation is an environmentally clean mode of transportation. The substitution of road transport with heavy-haul railways leads to a decrease in air pollution within the counties traversed by key roads previously used for coal transportation. This shift results in a 1.5 percent reduction in PM2.5 in the area along these roads. The concentrations of other air pollutants, such as PM1, PM10, and NO2, which are mainly emitted by heavy-duty trucks transporting coal, have also been significantly reduced. In addition, “road-to-rail” has promoted the clustering of clean industries such as services and high-tech industries along the original transportation roads. The back-of-envelope calculations suggest significant economic benefits resulting from the health outcomes brought by the reduction of pollutant concentration. Our findings shed light on the contribution of freight railways to the reduction of air pollution and reveal the importance of the “road-to-rail” transportation transformation.



谭娅,现任对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院助理教授。2016年获北京大学光华管理学院经济学博士学位,2018-2020年作为博雅博士后在北京大学进行科研工作。主要研究领域为区域与城市经济学、公共经济学。在Journal of Urban Economics、iScience、《金融研究》《经济学(季刊)》《世界经济》等国内外期刊发表论文20余篇。主持自然科学基金青年项目(72203039)“教育资源的优化配置策略研究——基于高中田野调查的实证分析”。