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时间:2019-12-06    点击数:

主题:Do Machines and Peers Drive Learning from Failure? Evidence from an Online Programming Contest Community






Studies on learning from failure focus primarily on failures identified by the focal individuals themselves, paying less attention to failures identified by other sources (i.e., a machine or peers). Drawing on attribution theory, we investigate this question using data collected from an online programming contest community, where we can trace individuals’ code failures that were identified by a machine or by peers. We find that whereas individuals learn from failures that are identified by a machine or by higher-status peers, they learn less (and in most cases not at all) from failures identified by lower-status peers. Apart from these main findings, we also conduct additional analyses to investigate whether individuals learn more from failures identified by machines or by peers in general, and also how learning from failures compares to learning from successes. Taken together, we expand experiential learning theories by considering individuals’ failures that are identified by sources other than the focal individuals themselves and by incorporating status theory.


邹腾剑是新加坡管理大学李光前商学院在读博士。他分别于2010年以及2011年在西南科技大学以及南洋理工大学获得电子信息工程学士与电子工程硕士学位。2011年至2015年期间,他曾在芯片制造公司GlobalFoundries担任高级技术开发工程师。目前他的主要研究方向是组织理论中的社会地位以及社交网络。他的论文曾发表在Organization Science,Journal of International Business Studies,以及Innovation: Organization & Management。

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