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Coordinated scheduling of production and transportation in a two-stage assembly flowshop

WANG Kai(Department of Management Science and Engineering)、 MA Wenqiong、HaoLuo、HuQin


International Journal of Production Research, 54(22), 6891-6911


To enhance the overall performance of supply chains, coordination among production and distribution stages has recently received an increasing interest. This paper considers the coordinated scheduling of production and transportation in a two-stage assembly flowshop environment. In this problem, product components are first produced and assembled in a two-stage assembly flowshop, and then completed final products are delivered to a customer in batches. Considering the NP-hard nature of this scheduling problem, two fast heuristics (SPT-based heuristic and LPT-based heuristic) and a new hybrid meta-heuristic (HGA-OVNS) are presented to minimise the weighted sum of average arrival time at the customer and total delivery cost. To guide the search process to more promising areas, the proposed HGA-OVNS integrates genetic algorithm with variable neighbourhood search (VNS) to generate the offspring individuals. Furthermore, to enhance the effectiveness of VNS, the opposition-based learning (OBL) is applied to establish some novel opposite neighbourhood structures. The proposed algorithms are validated on a set of randomly generated instances, and the computation results indicate the superiority of HGA-OVNS in quality of solutions.

【Keywords】scheduling; assembly flowshop; genetic algorithms; variable neighbourhood search; opposition-based learning