陈植元副教授 副教授、系支部书记、副系主任 betway必威,管理科学与工程系 Email: zhiyuanchen@whu.edu.cn 博士,控制科学与工程,清华大学自动化系(2005—2012年) 学士, 电气工程及自动化, 西安交通大学(2001—2005年)
[1] Zhiyuan Chen and Guangwen Kong, 2022, Hospital admission, facility-based isolation, and social distancing: An SEIR model with constrained medical resources.Production and Operations Management. Published online.https://doi.org/10.1111/poms.13702(UTD-24,学院A)
[2] Zhiyuan Chen, Shaobo Sun, Jianbin Li, Langlang Zhang, and Hao Fan, 2022, Optimal BOT contract in a two-road transportation network.Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review. Accepted. (SCI/SSCI,学院B)
[3] Zhiyuan Chen, Hanrui Ye, Bingxi Liu, and Weili Xue, 2021, Analysis of road capacity and franchise price decision delegation in toll road Bot project.Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review, 146(6), 102213. (SCI/SSCI,学院B)
[4] Zhong Zheng, Zhiyuan Chen*, Sinem Kinay Savaser, 2021, The implications of contract timing on a supply chain with random yield.International Journal of Production Economics, 240,108215. (SCI,学院B)
[5] Min Yao, Fang Wang, Zhiyuan Chen*, Hanrui Ye, 2020, Optimal incentive contract with asymmetric cost information.Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(6): 04020054(1-13). (SCI,影响因子2.734,学院B)
[6] Jianbin Li, Mengcheng Guan, Zhiyuan Chen*, 2020, Optimal inventory policy for fast-moving consumer goods under e-commerce environment.Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 16 (4) : 1769-1781. [通讯作者] (SCI)
[7] Zhiyuan Chen, Jianbin Li*, Zhixin Liu, Zhong Zheng, 2019, Incentive contracts for capacity restoration under risk of supply disruption.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,66(4): 746-762. (SCI/SSCI,学院B+)
[8] Lei Xiao, Minghui Xu, Zhiyuan Chen*, Xu Guan, 2019, Optimal pricing for advance selling with uncertain product quality and consumer fitness.Journal of the Operational Research Society.70(9): 1457-1474. [通讯作者] (SCI/SSCI,学院B)
[9]Weili Xue,Hu Yulin, Zhiyuan Chen*, 2019, The value of buyback contract under price competition.International Journal of Production Research, 57(9):2679-2694. [通讯作者] (SCI,学院B)
[10] Yi Yang, Jiannan Wang, Youhua (Frank) Chen, Yanchu Liu*, Zhiyuan Chen, 2019,Optimal procurement strategies for contractual assembly systems with fluctuant procurement price.Annals of Operations Research, 291, 1027–1059.(SCI,学院B)
[11] Zhiyuan Chen, Xiaoying Liang, Lei Xie, 2016. Inter-temporal price discrimination and satiety-driven repeat purchases.European Journal of Operational Research, 251 (1) :225-236. (SCI,学院B+)
[12] Zhiyuan Chen, Yanchu Liu, Yi Yang, Yun Zhou, 2014. A variant of L#-convexity and its application to inventory models with batch ordering.Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 31(6). (SCI)
[13] Zhiyuan Chen, Xiaoying Liang, Haifeng Wang, and Houmin Yan, 2012. Inventory rationing with multiple demand classes: The case of group buying.Operations Research Letters, 40(5): 404-408. (SCI,学院B)
[14] Zhiyuan Chen, Yiwen Su, and Houmin Yan, 2012. Optimal purchasing process of electricity and renewable energy credits with price and demand uncertainty.Journal of System Science and System Engineering, 21(2): 184-203. (SCI)
[15] Zhiyuan Chen, Yi Yang. 2010. “Optimality of (s; S; p) Policy in a General Inventory-Pricing Model with Uniform Demands”,Operations Research Letters, 38(4): 256-260. (SCI,学院B)
[1] 陈植元,林泽慧,金嘉栋,李建斌*. 基于时空聚类预测的共享单车调度优化研究[J].管理工程学报,2022,36(1): 146-156. (学院中文重要期刊)
[2] 孙康泰,陈植元*.生产学习效应下供应链战略库存策略研究[J].珞珈管理评论, 2019, 4(31):162-178.
[3] 郑宇婷, 李建斌,陈植元*,明茫茫.不确定需求下的冷链分销商最优决策[J].管理科学学报, 2019,22(01):94-106.
[4] 陈植元,杨海霞,王先甲*.2006—2016年管理科学与工程研究热点主题研究——基于LDA概率主题模型分析[J].珞珈管理评论, 2018, 20(4): 164-168.
[5] 陈植元,米雁翔,厉洋军, 郑君君*.基于百度指数的投资者关注度与股票市场表现的实证分析[J].统计与决策, 2016(23):155-157.
[6] 李建斌,明茫茫,陈植元*.电力及可再生能源证书最优订购策略[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2017, 37(4):901-913.
[7] 陈植元.大数据环境下经管类研究生数据处理能力的培养[J].课程教育研究, 2016(8):235-236.
[1] Zhiyuan Chen and Xiaoying Liang. 2014. “The Performance of Pay-as-You-Wish Pricing with Relational and Forward-looking Customers”. Proceeding of 11th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM). (EI检索)
[1] Chen, Zhiyuan and Liang, Xiaoying and Xie, Lei and Yan, Houmin, On Price Elasticities in the Presence of Network Effects (April 5, 2015). Available at SSRN:https://ssrn.com/abstract=2571872orhttp://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2571872
[2] Chen, Zhiyuan and Liang, Xiaoying and Xie, Lei, New Firm Entry in the Presence of Network Effects (June 12, 2015). Available at SSRN:https://ssrn.com/abstract=2571178orhttp://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2571178
[1] 陈植元、马利军、李建斌译;(美)Suresh P.Sethi,严厚民,张汉勤 著,《库存控制和供应链管理研究-基于需求预测更新的视角》,北京:科学出版社,2018. ISBN:978-7-03-057078-9
[1]. 集中与分散决策模式下的随机动态双边匹配策略研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,49万,批准号(71871166),执行年份:2019-2022,主持
[2]. 预订销售的策略选择、定价策略及产能优化研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,23万,批准号(71301121),执行年份:2014-2016,主持
[3]. O2O模式下即时配送服务运作管理的理论与方法,国家自然科学基金重点项目,230万,批准号(71831007),执行年份:2019-2023,子课题负责人
[1]. 基于宁东基地的大型煤化工项目关键路径研究,2019-2021,264万,(合作单位:神华宁夏煤业集团),子项目负责人
[2]. 目标传导式绩效管理的创新与实践,2018-2021,47万元,(合作单位:神华宁夏煤业集团),子项目负责人
[3]. 特高压输变电工程工程量管控技术研究,2015-2017,(合作单位:福建省电力勘测设计院),参与.
[4]. 沙洋县农村物流融合发展规划(2015年-2020年),2015-2016,(合作单位:华中科技大学、湖北省沙洋县物流发展局),参与.
[5]. 综合能源系统中的关键经济问题,2013-2014,(合作单位:广东省电力设计研究院),参与.
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