武文杰教授 博士生导师 经济系 Email: wenjie.wu@whu.edu.cn 博士,伦敦政治经济学院 硕士,中国科学院 学士,北京师范大学
betway必威三级教授、博士生导师。入选国家级青年人才计划,国家社科基金重大项目首席专家。博士毕业于英国伦敦政治经济学院,曾在格拉斯哥大学等境外高校任终身副教授,兼任英国ESRC城市大数据中心联合创始人、中国区域科学协会理事、国际中国规划协会的 Global Board of Directors,作为客座编辑在Landscape and Urban Planning、Transportation Research Part D等国际重要期刊组织多本专刊,主持国家社科基金重大项目1项、主持国家自然科学基金项目5项,主持和参与省部级科研项目多项,获得包括“国际社会科学协会会士奖”等国内外奖项,研究成果被光明日报、人民网、中国经济网等媒体报道和转载
Wu, W. Economics of Planning Policies in China: Infrastructure, Location and Cities. Routledge, 2017.
Wu, W., Wang, Y.eds. The Geography of Development, Mobility and Wellbeing in China: Understanding Transformations through Big Data. Routledge, 2020.
1. Wu, W., Tan, W., Wang, R., Chen, W. 2023. From quantity to quality: Effects of urban greenness on life satisfaction and social inequality, Landscape and Urban Planning, 238, 104843. (SSCI一区)
2.Wu, W., Chen, W., Yun, Y., Wang, F., 2022. Urban Greenness, Mixed Land Use and Life Satisfaction, Landscape and Urban Planning, 224, 104428.
3. Gibbons, S., Wu, W*. 2020. Airports, Access and Local Economic Performance in China, Journal of Economic Geography, 1-35. doi:10.1093/jeg/lbz021
4.Wu,W., Zheng,S., Wang,B., Du,M. 2020. Impacts of Rail Transit Access on Land and Housing Values in China: A Quantitative Synthesis, Transport Reviews, doi.org/10.1080/01441647. 1747570.
5.Wang, F., Zheng, Y., Wu, W., Wang, D. 2022. The Travel, Equity and Wellbeing Impacts of Transit-oriented Development in Global South, Transportation Research Part D, 113,103512.
6.Liu, W., Wu, W., Thakuriah, P. 2020. The Geography of Human Activity and Land Use: A Big Data Approach. Cities, 97, 102523.
7.Wu, W., Dong, G., Sun, Y. et al. 2020. Contextualized Effects of Park Access and Usage on Residential Satisfaction: A Spatial Approach, Land Use Policy, 94,104532
8.Wu, W., W Mark., Zhang, F. 2019. Commuting Behavior and Congestion Satisfaction: Evidence from Beijing, China, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 67, 553-564.
9.Wu, W., Wang, J., Dai, T., W Mark. 2018. The Geographical Legacies of Mountains: Impacts on Cultural Difference Landscapes, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1, 277-290.
10.Wu, T., Zhang, N., Gui, L., Wu, W. 2018. Sustainable Endogenous Growth Model of Multiple Regions: Reconciling OR and Economic Perspectives, European Journal of Operational Research, 269(1), 218-226.
11.Wu, W., Hong, J. 2017. Do Public Transit Improvement Affect Commuting Behaviour in Beijing, China: A Spatial Multilevel Approach, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 52, 471-479.
12.Wu, W., Dong G., Zhang, W. 2017. The Puzzling Heterogeneity in Amenity Capitalization Effects on Land Markets, Papers in Regional Science, 96, 135-153.
13.Wu, W., Wang, J., Dai, T. 2016. The Geography of Cultural Ties and Human Mobility: Big Data in Urban Contexts, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 106(3), 612-630.
14.Dong G., Wu, W. 2016. Schools, Land Markets and Spatial Effects, Land Use Policy, 59, 366-374.
15.Wu, W., Wang J. 2016. Gentrification Effects of China's Urban Village Renewals, Urban Studies, 54(1), 214-229.
16.Wu, W., Dong G. 2014. Valuing 'Green' Amenities in a Spatial Context, Journal of Regional Science, 54 (4), 569-585.
17.Yin, J., Zhang, Q., Wu, W. et al., Return Migration Intention: Heterogeneous Effects from Multidimensional Distances Over Space, Acta Geographica Sinica (地理学报), 2022, 77(12), 3146-3161.
18.Wang, B., Dai, M., Wu, W. Do Environmental Friendly Manufacturing Zones Cause a Rise in Plants’ Environment Performance? Evidence from China’s Environmental Friendly Manufacturing Zone Program. Jin Rong Yan Jiu (金融研究), 2017, 442 (4), 154-175.
19.Wu, W., Dong, Z., Zhang,W, et al. Spatio-temporal Evolution of the China's Inter-urban Organization Network Structure: Based on Aviation Data from 1983 to 2006. Acta Geographica Sinica (地理学报), 2011, 66(4), 435-445.
20.Dong, G., Zhang, W., Wu, W., et al. Spatial Heterogeneity in Determinants of Residential Land Price: Simulation and Prediction, Acta Geographica Sinica (地理学报), 2011, 66(6), 750-760.
21.Wu, W., Zhang, W., Liu,Z. Modelling the Determinants of Residential Land Price: using land-leasing parcel data in Beijing. Acta Geographica Sinica (地理学报), 2010,65(6), 676-684.
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