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游士兵、吴比:Government Factors that Influence the Relevance between Environmental and Economic Growth(图文)
时间:2015-05-29    点击数:

  Abstract:This paper studies about the relationship of joint government factors between both environmental and economic growth. It also discusses the functions of government in the relationship. This paper establishes two models under the dynamic analysis, one with and another without the government factor. By comparing scenarios where government factor is absent or not, the paper finds out that government’s effect on economic growth is different due to environmental factors and changes. This paper further identifies the influencing factors of governmental effects on economic growth with the protection of the environment.


  原文刊于Annals of Operations Research 2015年5月第228卷第1期,35-45页。该期刊为SSCI源期刊,被学院认定为B级。该论文是国家教育部社会科学项目:《政府服务价值测度研究》研究成果,项目编号为:08JA790098