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陈君、沈校亮:Consumers' Decisions in Social Commerce Context: An Empirical Investigation
时间:2015-12-14    点击数:

  Abstract: With the popularity and growth of social networking, consumers often rely on the advice and recommendations from online friends when making purchase decisions. Social commerce in this regard represents a shift in consumers' thinking from inefficient individual-based consumption decisions to collaborative sharing and social shopping. In this study, we investigate social commerce from two different but interrelated angles (i.e., social shopping and social sharing). Built on the literature of social support, commitment-trust theory, and trust transfer theory, a research model was developed and empirically examined. The findings of this study demonstrated that both emotional and informational social support significantly affected consumers' trust and community commitment, which in turn exerted profound impacts on both social shopping and social sharing intention. Trust toward members also can be transferred into trust toward community, which further led to users' community commitment. Limitations and implications for both research and practice are discussed.

  原文刊于《Decision Support Systems》2015年第79卷,该论文被SSCI、SCI、EI三大检索同时收录。《Decision Support Systems》是由Elsevier出版集团发行的信息系统(IS)和运营管理(OM)领域国际知名期刊之一,在SCI大类分区Computer Science, Information Systems类别中排名16/139,Operations Research & Management Science类别中排名11/81,其五年影响因子为2.933,为我院B+期刊。