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郭汝飞、Hongbin Li、Junjian Yi、 Junsen Zhang:Fertility, Household Structure, and Parental Labor Supply: E
时间:2017-11-22    点击数:

AbstractThis study examines the effects of fertility on household structure and parental labor supply in China. To solve the endogeneity problem, we use a unique survey on households with twin children and a comparison group of non-twin households. The ordinary least squares estimates show a negative correlation between fertility and parental labor supply in rural China. Using twinning as a natural experiment, we do not find evidence on the negative effects of fertility on parental labor supply. By contrast, we find that the twinning-induced increase in fertility significantly enhances the coresidence of grandparents in rural China. We suggest that the negative effects of fertility on parental labor supply are mitigated by the childcare provided by grandparents in rural China. We also find that fertility does not induce coresidence of grandparents in urban China. Our results have important implications for population and public childcare policies.

KeywordsFertility; Parental labor supply; Household structure

郭汝飞为本文第一作者。该文201711月在线发表于《Journal of Comparative Economics》,为学院B+类奖励期刊。
