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李斌、张迪、周洋:Do trend following strategies work in Chinese futures markets?
时间:2017-11-07    点击数:


  AbstractWe examine the performance of trend following strategies in Chinese commodity futures markets. We provide evidence that trend following-based technical trading rules yield better performance than the buy and hold strategy on both individual contracts and sorted portfolios. The outperformance is robust to transaction costs, data frequency, sub-prime crisis, shorting constraint, delayed execution, liquidity and parameters. Finally, the profitability of the trend following strategy may be subject to data snooping bias.


  KeywordsQuantitative Investments, Trend Following, Commodity Futures, Out-of-sample Performance

  本文2017年刊登在Journal of Futures Markets37(12): 1226–1254,该杂志为学院英文B类奖励期刊,张迪为金融工程2015级硕士生。