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潘敏等:Evolutionary dynamics of social tolerance in theeconomic interaction model with local social cos
时间:2017-10-26    点击数:

  【Abstract】The evolutionary dynamics of social tolerance in a society with local social cost functions havebeen discussed. We show that, very different from the global function case studied previously,dynamics of social tolerance in a society with local social cost functions is integrable in phasespace. The exact solution of the evolutionary dynamics in phase space is obtained, and theevolutionary trajectories are discussed by using the Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser theorem. We show that the property of steady states is closely related to the group populations. We alsodiscuss the necessary condition of the full tolerance steady state, and it is demonstrated thatboth global and local social cost functions have the same necessary condition of achieving fulltolerance.

  【Keywords】Evolutionary dynamics;social tolerance; local socialcost function; economicinteraction

  本文刊登于APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS, 2017VOL. 24, NO. 2, 75–79,为学院英文B类奖励期刊,入选2017ESI热点论文(Essential Science IndicatorsHot Papers(1),潘敏教授为通讯作者。