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Yun Chen 、魏立佳*:Railroad development, temporal‐spatial externalities, and growth spillover: Theory a
时间:2018-11-19    点击数:

  【Abstract】This paper develops an extended Solow model by considering the time‐variant spillover effect of interregional economies. Instead of using fixed spatial distances among regions, the regions' temporal‐spatial distances are measured by constructing a database of train types and calculating the fastest region‐to‐region routes. We collect provincial economic data and railroads data over the period 2003–2012 in China to establish a dynamic temporal‐spatial panel model. The estimation results indicate significant temporal‐spatial externalities. Compared with classical spatial models, the temporal‐spatial model not only has a much better goodness‐of‐fit but also has consistent total effects, direct effects and indirect effects.

  【Keywordsgrowth;railroad development;travel time;temporal-spatial externalities

  该文2018年11月发表于Journal of Regional Science ,Volume 58, Issue 5,Pages 980-1002。该期刊为学院B类奖励期刊,魏立佳为通讯作者,第一作者为经管院2015届本科毕业生陈赟,现为北京大学国家发展研究院博士。该论文早期版本曾获得2015年湖北省优秀本科学士学位论文奖。
