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Liu, S., Zhang, M., 高宝俊*, & Jiang, G. Physician voice characteristics and patient satisfaction in online health consultation.
时间:2020-07-03    点击数:

Abstract:This study examines the collective effects of voice and physician characteristics on patient satisfaction based on 35,597 voice-based medical services provided by physicians in a mobile health community. Results show patient satisfaction is positively influenced by the physician’s speech rate but negatively affected by the average spectral centroid of consultation voice. A fast speaker and speech with neural emotion are more likely to be associated with higher patient satisfaction than a slow speaker and speech with low and high emotion states. However, these effects are weak for physicians with high professional capital, which suggests a substitute role for voice characteristics.

Keywords:Mobile consultation; Voice characteristic; Speech rate; Average spectral centroid; Patient satisfaction; Professional capital

本文于2020年7月发表于Information & Management,57(5),该刊为学院英文B+类奖励期刊, 高宝俊为本文通讯作者。基于春雨医生App中35,597例在线问诊的音频数据,文章研究了在线健康咨询社区中医生的语音特征,如语速、频谱质心对病人问诊满意度的影响,以及医生社会资本的调节作用。
