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时间:2017-04-27    点击数:

  讲座主题:The Choice Extremeness Effect in Hierarchical Decisions




  讲座摘要:Prior research suggests that consumers tend to opt for the middle-options when choosing from alternatives trading off on two negatively correlated attributes (e.g., tastiness and healthiness of food items). In this research, we propose that the outcome of these trade-off decisions does not need to be a compromised option, and instead it depends on the process through which these choices are made. In five sets of studies we show that, holding the actual choice options unchanged, consumers are more likely to make an extreme final choice prioritizing a single attribute rather than compromising, when they follow a hierarchical decision process as compared to a flat one-step process.

  个人简介:张影现任北京大学光华管理学院营销战略及行为科学教授,博士生导师。张影教授于芝加哥大学获MBA以及博士学位。他的研究兴趣包括市场营销战略,品牌管理及消费者行为等。他的大量研究成果发表于国际顶级营销学和心理学学术期刊上,包括《市场营销研究期刊》(Journal of Marketing Research), 《消费者研究期刊》 (Journal of Consumer Research),《消费者心理学研究期刊》(Journal of Consumer Psychology), 《社会及人格心理学研究》(Journal of Personaliaty and Social Psychology)等。