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时间:2017-11-10    点击数:

  讲座主题:Video Mining: Measuring Visual Information Using Automatic Methods




  讲座摘要:Marketers are becoming increasingly dependent on videos to market their products and services. However, there is no standard set of measures of visual information that can be applied to large datasets. In this article, the authors propose three standard measures that are automatically obtained from videos: video duration, visual variation and video content. The authors test the measures on advertising videos from Kickstarter, an online crowdfunding website, and show that all these measures have significant effects on the funding outcomes of the projects. The research benefits both academic and practitioners. Instead of the expensive controlled lab experiments, these measures can be effectively implemented and used for large datasets. Researchers could apply these measures of other sets of visual information. Marketers could use the research to guide their video design and improve their advertising effectiveness.


  王欣博士现任教于加拿大西安大略大学毅伟商学院营销系,博士生导师,MBA 80 Faculty Fellow,是统计和精算系的双聘教授。研究领域包括机器学习, 大数据挖掘和公司战略研究,营销和金融科技,市场结构和品牌关系,社交网络分析,互联网营销,消费者产品选择及行为经济学;研究成果发表在营销科学 (Marketing Science), 消费者研究 (Journal of Consumer Research),国际市场营销研究 (International Journal of Research in Marketing), 数学心理 (Journal of Mathematical Psychology) 等国际顶级学术期刊上,并担任多本经济类,商业类期刊的审稿人。他的科研工作受加拿大国家社会科学和人文研究基金项目资助。王博士在加拿大毅伟商学院教授本科,硕士,MBA等多门课程,包括营销研究,营销管理,企业营销,数据库营销,营销战略, 社交媒体分析等。目前在毅伟商学院多伦多和香港校区开设多门高级经理人培训课程(EDP),他同时是国家教育指导委员会案例培训讲师,对如何开发和教授案例有独特的见解,撰写的共享型经济类案例 (Alibaba, Uber 等)在营销, 战略以及信息管理等学科中被全球知名商学院广泛应用。王博士在研究和教学领域曾多次获奖,包括2013年度北美市场营销年会营销教育最佳论文,2015,2016年度连续荣登加拿大西安大略大学教学荣誉榜,2016毅伟商学院年度优秀研究奖,并且是2017年度毅伟商学院杰出教学奖唯一获得者,以及2014年美国辛辛那提大学杰出博士研究奖。