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时间:2018-01-02    点击数:

  讲座主题:Internal Migrant Entrepreneurs's Opportunity Identification and Success in Emerging Economies: Dual Embeddedness and Institutional Environment



  讲座时间:2018年 1 月 2日下午 2 点 30 分


  讲座摘要:We integrate insights from the social embeddedness perspective and institution theory with research on immigrant entrepreneurship to theorize how local and ethnic embeddedness influences migrant entrepreneurs’ opportunity identification and their venture performance under different institutional environments in the context of emerging economies. Emerging economies are witnessing the large-scale movement of internal migrants, i.e., the movement of people within the boundaries of a nation-state, many of whom become entrepreneurs but have been neglected in the available research. Using data derived from a national household survey on migrant population in China, we find that migrant entrepreneurs’ embeddedness in both locality (host) and ethnic group of people from the same origin (hometown) is positively associated with entrepreneurial opportunity identification and also performance. However, such relationships are moderated by local institutional environment in different ways.


  黄起海教授是英国兰卡斯特大学中国管理研究中心主任。先后毕业于北京大学、布里斯托大学,主要研究方向为创新创业与人力资源管理。他在国际主流期刊如《British Journal of Industrial Relations》、《International Journal of Human Resource Management》、《Regional Studies》、《Entrepreneurship and Regional Development》等发表大量文章。