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时间:2017-12-14    点击数:

  讲座主题:(1)Motivating Reward Pursuit with Strategic Communication

   (2) Bolstering Online Reviews with Strategic Platform Design




  摘要:(1) Loyalty programs (LPs) have penetrated a broad range of industries and attained global reach in today’s hyper-connected marketplace. Paradoxically, however, researchers and practitioners alike lament LPs’ low redemption and high dropout rates. This disconcerting state of affairs points to the need for insights into how existing members can be effectively motivated. To address this knowledge gap, we draw on Construal Level Theory to illuminate communication framing as a new mechanism for motivating reward pursuit behavior. Specifically, we argue that a “match” between the communication format and the reward structure of a LP can strengthen its members’ motivation for reward pursuit. Overall, our research enriches the theoretical landscape of LP research and suggests a low-cost approach to enhancing LP effectiveness.

  (2) Major revolutions have taken place in the consumer information environment over the last decade or so, concurrent with the explosion of online communities. In particular, online product reviews have become a vital part of today’s information ecosystem that significantly impacts both consumer welfare and business performance. From an academic standpoint, the availability of online or electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) data in the public space has created research opportunities previously unimaginable. In this research, we argue that online forum designs (which can be easily manipulated by managers of these forums) play an importance role in determining e-WOM influence. Drawing on Construal Level Theory, we identify different conditions that favor one forum design versus another. Our research generates novel theoretical insights into the ubiquitous e-WOM behavior and offers practical guidance for harnessing the massive power of online reviews around the world.

  个人简介:陈克先博士毕业于香港中文大学 (工商管理学士) 和美国威斯康辛大学 (工商管理硕士及市场学博士),于市场营销有丰富经验,专长为国际市场学及消费者行为学。 陈博士在2000年获Society for Consumer Psychology 博士论文奖,回港后任教于母校中文大学,2011年起加入恒生管理学院,现为市场系系主任。 陈博士曾于 Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of International Marketing, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 等多本着名市场学及旅游管理学期刊发表论文,并担任中国国家自然科学基金委员会和香港研究资助局评审。 除了教学及研究,陈博士亦为时富集团非执行董事,也常替上市公司及非牟利机构提供技术和策略支持以及人才培训。