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时间:2018-03-09    点击数:


  时 间:2018年3月16日(周五)

  地 点:第三会议室(A321)



  讲座时间:9:30 – 10:30



  报告人:陈昕韫,betway必威金融系助理教授。于2014年获得哥伦比亚大学运筹学博士学位,目前主要研究方向包括市场微观结构、蒙特卡洛方法和高频金融数据的计量方法。曾在Annals of Applied Probability、Mathematics of Operations Research等国际期刊发表论文。



  讲座题目:Can small network of informed traders survive in financial market?


  讲座时间:14:30 – 15:30

  摘要: 本文基于Kyle模型分析了金融市场中分享个人信息的小规模知情者子网络能否存在。研究发现,子网络共生的均衡是否存在取决于市场中的总体信息水平。在总体信息水平较高的市场中子网络共生的均衡不是稳定的,反之,在总体信息水平较低的市场中存在唯一的网络共生均衡,并且降低金融市场的信息水平和增加市场参与人数都将使得均衡范围增大。子网合并会增进市场深度,但同时会降低价格的信息效率。子网合并是否改进价格波动和社会福利取决于市场的总体信息质量。本文结论为信息平台在调节市场信息水平方面的决策提供建议。

  讲座题目:Analysis of Markov Chain Approximations for Option Pricing and Hedging: Grid Design and Convergence Behaviour

  报告人:张功球,betway必威金融系助理教授。博士毕业于香港中文大学,本科毕业于北京大学。研究方向为金融工程,数量金融与计算金融,目前有多篇文章发表于Mathematical Finance, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Physical Review A 等知名学术刊物。


  摘要:Continuous time Markov chain (CTMC) approximation is an intuitive and powerful method for pricing options in general Markovian models. This paper analyzes how grid design affects the convergence behavior of barrier and European options in general diffusion models. Using the spectral method, we obtain sharp estimates for the convergence rate of option price for non-uniform grids. We propose to calculate an option’s delta and gamma by taking central difference of option prices on the grid. For this simple method, we prove that, surprisingly, delta and gamma converge at the same rate as option price does. Our analysis allows us to develop principles that are sufficient and necessary for designing nonuniform grids that can achieve second order convergence for option price, delta and gamma. Based on these principles, we propose a novel class of non-uniform grids, which ensures that convergence is not only second order, but also smooth. This further allows extrapolation to be applied to achieve even higher convergence rate. Our grids enable the CTMC approximation method to price and hedge a large number of options with different strikes fast and accurately. Applicability of our results to jump models is discussed through numerical examples.