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时间:2018-12-20    点击数:

  讲座题目:Supply and demand of media Slant: Big data analysis based on newspaper text






  摘要: Media coverage should be fair and objective, but some studies have found that there are some deviations in media coverage in various countries. This deviation comes from the supplier, that is, media coverage reflects the preferences and from the demand side, that is, media coverage tends to cater to reading people's preferences. However, the sources of these two deviations can not be identified at the same time. Based on China's provincial and municipal newspapers, this paper constructs the city media contact index, and combines the data of the floating population survey from 2011 to 2015 and the resume data of provincial Party committee secretaries and governors. Using China's unique media distribution system and the special national conditions of large-scale floating population, this paper identifies the media from both supply and demand aspects. The source of deviation is reported. We find that, on the one hand, the media coverage is influenced by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of the supplier; on the other hand, the demand side is also influenced by the preference of the floating population as a reader group. After the instrumental variables deal with the potential endogenous problems, the results are still robust; we find that the deviations between the supplier and the demander are mutually substituted. After we introducing the cross term between the demand side and supply side, it is find the coefficient is negative, which proves that there are indeed media reports in the supply side and demand side. Trade-off between interests.

  简介:李兵,中央财经大学国际经济与贸易学院副教授,贸易经济系系主任。2008年于吉林大学获得经济学博士学位,2011年于香港科技大学获得社会科学博士学位。主要研究方向是国际贸易、外商直接投资、国际政治经济学、互联网经济学、大数据应用等。研究成果发表于The Economics of Transition、《经济研究》、《世界经济》、《中国工业经济》等SSCI英文期刊和中文权威期刊。主持省部级课题2项,国家社科重大课题子课题负责人1项,参与2项,参与教育部重大课题1项,其他省部级课题以及政府部门课题多项。全国万名优秀创新创业导师人才库首批入库导师,中国技术经济学会知识产权分委会理事,《经济研究》、《世界经济》等期刊匿名审稿人。“雏鹰读书会”创始人,学术顾问。