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时间:2019-04-17    点击数:

  讲座题目:Trade Liberalization, Technology Upgrading, and Environmental Outcomes: Evidence from China's Accession to the WTO

  报告人: 刘梦迪(南京大学)

  报告时间:2019年4月25日(周四)上午 9:00




  摘要: Much concern has been raised over whether trade causes environmental damage in low-income developing countries. In this paper, we estimate the impact of trade liberalization on environmental performance using firm-level data. By adopting Brandt et al (2017)'s approach that uses the tariff rates from the accession agreement as instruments, we find that lowering input tariff leads to higher average SO2 emissions (9-11%) which is largely due to scale effects and composition effects while lowering output tariff has a weak negative effect on SO2 emissions. Given that we have unique and detailed firm-level information, we then trace through in detail the mechanisms through which trade liberalization contributes to technology upgrading. We find that the decrease of import tariff has a net negative effect on SO2 generation intensity which means the extent of free trade increase, the production becomes cleaner. We also find that compared to firms in non-treated cities, firms in cities with a more stringent environmental regulation increase less pollution intensity when the import tariffs decrease, which is consistent with the theory.

  简介 :刘梦迪,南京大学环境学院在读博士生,亚利桑那大学经济系访问学生。主要从事环境经济与政府治理相关研究。博士期间研究成果发表在包括American Journal of Political Science (AJPS, forthcoming)、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM)、Journal of Regulatory Economics (JRE)、Environmental Politics等高水平经济学、政治学国际期刊上。其关于环境管制与企业竞争力的合作项目获得2018年美国NSF的资助。