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时间:2019-03-29    点击数:

  主题:When Do People Commit to Collectively Beneficial Rules? The Interactive Effects of Procedural Justice and Collective/Personal Outcome Favorability






  Rules are considered a specific type of authority decisions distinct from those only concerning individuals. To motivate individuals to commit to rules, some scholars advocated that beneficial collective outcomes of the rules are overwhelmingly important and supersede other established factors for commitment to authority decisions such as procedural justice. The authors argue that this view is over-simplistic and ignores the complex dynamics involved in individual-collective relationships. Instead, they propose that individuals simultaneously consider personal outcome favorability and collective outcome favorability of rules and procedural justice plays a crucial role in securing individuals’ commitment to rules, especially when the collective benefits of the rules in question do not align with the rules’ personal benefits. Results from three independent studies in different rule-related and cultural contexts support predictions that (1) collective outcome favorability is less likely to promote rule commitment when procedural justice is low (Studies 1, 2, and 3); and (2) high procedural justice is most important in securing commitment to rules when the rules favor collective outcomes over personal outcomes (Studies 2 and 3); and (3) rule commitment positively affects job performance (Study 3). Our research advances knowledge about the differential role procedural justice plays in individuals’ commitment to rules with broad implications.


  邓红博士,英国杜伦大学达勒姆商学院教授,于2013年获得香港城市大学的博士学位。研究兴趣包括工作中的自我调节、情绪劳动、组织公正和创造力,已在Journal of Applied Psychology (2018), Journal of Management (2016, 2017), Personnel Psychology (2014, 2015, 2016), Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2015), Human Resource Management (2015), and Journal of Vocational Behavior (2013)等期刊上发表学术论文,是Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology 的顾问编辑。

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