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时间:2019-05-27    点击数:

  题:Presentation title: A network view of supplier innovation: An example from the Automotive Industry

  人:严婷婷 副教授 美国韦恩州立大学

  点:betway唯一官方网站 A208



  Abstract: How could a firm better innovate by managing its supply network as well as understanding its suppliers’ extended networks? This is a research question that defines my research stream. A network view of supplier innovation allows us to understand a supplier’s innovation value to a specific buying firm in a more comprehensive manner. Specifically, in the automotive industry, with the growing demand for smarter, cleaner, and safer cars, which require novel parts, automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are increasingly seeking novel inventions from suppliers, especially those suppliers that are new or foreign. However, when transforming novel inventions into products, OEMs could find it challenging to work with these suppliers due to the remote relational, cognitive, or structural OEM-supplier distances. In a study that I recently finished, my co-authors and I found that a supplier’s relative network position affects a supplier’s innovation value to a buying firm, a relationship that is moderated by buyer-supplier relational tenure and national cultural distance. This study contributes to the supply network and innovation literature by highlighting the importance of assessing a supplier’s dyadic social capital with an OEM in an extended supply network when predicting supplier innovation value to the OEM.


  Tingting Yan is an associate professor (with tenure) in the Marketing and Global Supply Chain department at Wayne State University. Her research interests are in innovation and supply chain management. She teaches in areas of supply chain management, quality management and strategic supply management. She has been leading a Study Abroad in China program for several years, which gives her an opportunity to teach strategic supply management to US and Chinese students in the classroom of a top five university in China. She is an associate editor for Journal of Operations Management and Journal of Supply Chain Management, and she is also an editorial board reviewer of Decision Sciences, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, International Journal of Procurement Management and International Journal of Logistics Management. She is a member of DSI, POM and AOM.