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珞珈经管高端论坛第一期:The Influence of Brand Anthropomorphism on Multi-Product Choice
时间:2019-05-24    点击数:

  题:The Influence of Brand Anthropomorphism on Multi-Product Choice

  人:万雯 教授 香港大学

  点:betway唯一官方网站 A208




  he current research shows that brand anthropomorphismincreases the likelihood of consumers picking all the product items in an assortment under the anthropomorphized brand. This is because anthropomorphism increases consumers’ perceived group entitativity of multiple products in the assortment. We tested our propositions in one field experiments, two laboratory experiments, and two online experiments. The results reveal that participants who were induced to see brands as human-beings were more likely to choose and to actually purchase all the product items in the product assortment under the anthropomorphized brand.When one product item of the anthropomorphized brand is unexpectedly unavailable, participants who anthropomorphized (vs. did not anthropomorphize) the brand expressed greater dissatisfaction and reported lower willingness to pay for the incomplete assortment. Results from both mediation and moderation analyses revealed that the effect occurred through the mechanism of increased group entitativity of multiple products. And the effect was attenuated when the product items were unlikely to be considered as one entirety, such that when the assortment includes an item from a rival brand. Theoretical contributions and marketing implications are discussed.


  万雯,香港大学经济与工商管理学院市场营销学教授。万雯教授先后在南京大学获得学士学位、新加坡国立大学获得硕士学位、美国西北大学获得博士学位。万雯教授的研究领域主要是社会排斥,拟人化营销,社会人口密度和拥堵对消费行为的影响。万雯教授在Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Consumer Psychology等期刊发表多篇文章。万雯教授曾获得“MSI Young Scholar (2013)”,“Association for Consumer Research Best Working Paper(2016)”,“La Londe Conference Best Paper (2017)”, “Outstanding Researcher Award at Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU (2015)”. 曾担任Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference联席主席(2015),现担任Journal of Consumer Research和Journal of Consumer Psychology编委。