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时间:2023-06-20    点击数:

题目:Value-destructive patents 价值破坏型专利

报告人:才静涵  美国斯科兰顿大学  副教授



主办单位:betway必威金融系    betway必威金融研究中心     betway必威金融发展与政策研究中心  betway必威金融工程与风险管理研究中心


报告摘要:The number of patent filings is an important proxy of a country’s innovation capability. In this field, China has become the world’s No.1 since 2011 and its lead keeps widening. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, China filed 1.4 million patents in 2019, which is more than twice that of the USA and accounted for 43.4% of the world’s total. However, this paper documents a negative relationship between a Chinese listed firm’s Tobin Q and the number of its patent filings. We further find that such a counter-intuitive relation can be explained by firms’ motivation to over-report their intangible assets via more patent fillings, which is not recognized by the market. We find evidence supporting firms’ regulatory arbitrage behaviors: firms have incentives to file more patents when they strive for the InnoCom (“High-tech Enterprise Certification”) at the cost of patent quality.




才静涵,美国斯科兰顿大学金融学副教授,波士顿学院经济学博士,香港城市大学金融学博士,深交所金融学博士后。曾就职于深圳证券交易所综合研究所及中国银行总行。在The Review of Financial Studies, Economics Letters, Finance Research Letters, Journal of Private Equity, Economics Bulletin, 《管理科学学报》《中国金融学》等期刊发表论文数十篇。研究领域包括金融市场微观结构、行为金融学、投资者行为等。