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时间:2023-06-12    点击数:


讲座题目:Does Enterprise Risk Management Bolster Investor Confidence? Evidence from Options-Based Restatement Contagion, Investment, and Misstatements 企业风险管理能否增强投资者信心?基于期权的重述传染、投资和错报的证据

主讲人:徐健人 副教授 美国北德克萨斯大学瑞恩商学院




We test the role of enterprise risk management (ERM) in bolstering investor confidence in a dynamic risk environment. Specifically, we examine whether firms’ use of an ERM program reduces the impact of an external negative risk shock—intra-industry restatement contagion. We hand-collect firms’ ERM status and measure contagion risk using the change in industry peers’ option-implied volatility skewness around restatement filing dates. We find that ERM mitigates restatement contagion risk. Consistent with information benefits, ERM’s effect on contagion is larger among peers with larger bid/ask spreads or analyst forecast dispersion, lower institutional ownership, and higher idiosyncratic volatility. Consistent with real benefits, ERM firms are less likely to engage in a material misstatement or overinvestment when another firm in their industry misstates earnings. Overall, we find that investors perceive ERM as a valuable tool to protect firms against downside risk and the perception is supported by firms’ real underlying risk reduction.



徐健人,美国北德克萨斯大学瑞恩商学院金融系副教授(终身教授),博士生导师。研究领域包括公司风险管理、财务会计、金融中介、行为经济学。他在保险业界有三年工作经验(浙江和纽约),并拥有ARM(Associate in Risk Management)头衔。在国际顶尖学术期刊(Journal of Risk and Insurance, North American Actuarial Journal等)发表了多篇论文,并获得过多个最佳论文奖(包括美国非寿险精算师协会最佳论文奖,亚太风险管理与保险协会最佳论文奖,美国西部风险管理和保险协会最佳论文奖,美国西南金融系会最佳论文奖,Risk Management and Insurance Review期刊最佳论文奖等)以及多个优秀教学奖。数篇文章在所属期刊(Journal of Risk and Insurance,Risk Management and Insurance Review)评为“最高引用率论文”。徐教授曾任美国西部风险管理和保险协会秘书长和财务主管以及董事,亦是美国国际期刊Journal of Insurance Regulation的副主编。