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时间:2023-05-11    点击数:

讲座题目:Profiling Transumers: The Impact of Mindsets on Rentership vs. Ownership Consumption(分析瞬时消费者:思维模式对租赁消费与所有权消费的影响)

主讲人:王承璐  University of New Haven





The present research explores the relationship between consumers’ fixed/growth mindsets and acquisition/consumption in ownership vs. rentership mode, through the lens of consumers’ connectedness to future selves. Evidence from study 1 demonstrates that consumers’ preference for consumption mode is moderated by their fixed vs. growth mindset, and mediated by consumer connectedness to future selves. Study 2 elucidates the asymmetrical effect of shopping goals, showing that consumers with growth (fixed) mindset prefer renting to owning (owning to renting) in experiential (utilitarian) purchase. Studies 3a and 3b attempt to establish the ecologic validity, showing how actual consumer choice of ownership/rentership is associated with their mindsets. Study 4 offers robustness evidence, demonstrating that activating consumer mindset, primed by proverbs (Study 4a) or by advertising framing (Study 4b), influences behavioral outcomes in the choice of ownership vs. rentership. These findings help understand and profile transumers who possess a growth mindsetthatassumes a continuously changing identity and goals in life. Because of their low connectedness to future selves and their focus on consumption process more than consumption outcome, transumers tend to keep up with the fashionable life with ephemeral value and hedonic experiences, while forgoing the long-term ownership.



王承璐,市场营销学博士,美国纽黑文大学商学院营销学终身教授。福尔布莱特学者。主要研究方向为消费者行为及互动营销。他在Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management等专业杂志上发表学术文章近百余篇。被斯坦福大学2021年的一项排名统计列为全球2 %高被引研究学者之一。目前担任互动营销专业期刊Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing(影响因子10.176,JCR一区)主编。多次担任Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, International Marketing ReviewIndustrial Marketing Management等十余个SSCI杂志专刊的执行主编。曾多次担任营销学国际学术会议联席主席和主题演讲人。主要著作有《人际心理学》(上海人民出版社1987年出版)。主编的著作有《Contemporary Marketing in China: Theories and Practices》(Nova,2011),《Brand Management in Emerging Markets: Theories and Practices》(IGI,2014),《Exploring the Rising Fandom in Contemporary Consumer Culture》(IGI,2019,被评为最畅销著作之一),《Handbook of Research on the Impact of Fandom in Society and Consumerism》(IGI,2019),以及《The Palgrave of Interactive Marketing: Theoretical Advancement and Managerial Application》(Spring-Nature,2023)。