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时间:2023-04-21    点击数:

主题:Evaluating Air Pollution Regulation: Separating Firm Competitiveness and Ambient Effects评估空气污染治理:区分企业竞争力效应和环境效应)

主讲:张鹏 博士 香港中文大学(深圳)



主持人:李锴 betway必威副教授

点评人:杨冕 betway必威 教授



已有大量文献分别从环境规制和空气污染角度分析其对企业生产率的影响,张鹏老师研究团队首次将二者结合起来,认为环境规制会对企业生产率产生正反两方面的影响。一方面,环境规制导致企业的成本增加(compliance cost)从而降低企业生产率(competitive effect),另一方面,环境规制会降低空气污染从而提高企业生产率(ambient effect)。为了区分上述两种效应,该文利用了BD-DD(Boundary-Discontinuity-Difference-in-Difference)的研究方法,通过比较边界两边受到处理和未受到处理的企业在政策冲击前后的企业TFP变化。同时,运用该方法需要满足两个条件:第一,边界两边的企业在政策前后受到的空气污染程度相同,为此,研究者需要恰当定义边界两边范围。第二,满足双重差分的平行趋势假设。研究结果表明:第一,大气污染防治重点城市政策会降低空气污染;第二,该政策对企业TFP的综合影响以及竞争性效应均为负,分别为3.8%和6.4%。

Measuring environmental regulation’s effect on firm competitiveness is central to designing optimal policies. Existing studies document significant negative effects of air pollution regulations on manufacturing competitiveness as measured by total factor productivity (TFP). A separate literature finds that air pollution lowers TFP through its ambient effect on workers’ physical and mental health and cognition. Extant empirical measures of the competitiveness effect reflect both. We develop a boundary-discontinuity-difference-in-differences (BD-DD) approach to isolate the competitiveness effect based on the idea that only regulated firms suffer the competitiveness effect but both regulated and unregulated firms adjacent to each other enjoy the ambient effect via spillovers. We apply the approach to a major air pollution regulation in China. The traditional approach to estimating the regulation’s effects yields a 3.8% TFP decline among surviving firms at a total cost of CNY 30.2 billion annually. The true competitiveness effect is 6.4% (51.6 billion). The implied ambient effect is 2.6% (21.4 billion) among regulated firms.


张鹏,香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院经济学助理教授,发展经济学顶级期刊Journal of Development Economics副主编,SSCI权威期刊China Economic Review副主编,广东省杰出青年基金获得者。张鹏博士研究方向为环境经济学、发展经济学、劳动经济学和健康经济学。他的论文发表在The Economic Journal,Journal of Public Economics,Journal of Development Economics(5篇)和Journal of Environmental Economics and Management(3篇)等。张鹏博士于2016年6月获得美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)经济学博士学位,并于2016-2020担任香港理工大学经济学助理教授。