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时间:2023-04-07    点击数:


主题:When may the high-tech new ventures led by female entrepreneurs be innovative?女性创业者领衔的高科技新企业何时才能创新?

主讲:黄起海 教授 英国哈德菲尔德大学商学院




Providing that entrepreneurship and innovation are masculinized domain, whether the gender of the entrepreneur matters and how it matters to a new venture’s innovativeness remain an under-research area. This study challenges the gender bias on low innovativeness of female-owned enterprises especially in the high-tech sector by drawing upon the resource dependence theory (RDT) and applying a Qualitative Comparative Analysis approach to a sample of 62 new venture high-tech firms in China. Our findings unveil three archetypes of high innovativeness to explain when and when not gender matters to innovation. An extremely turbulent environment can suppress the influence of gender on innovativeness behaviour, whereas, in certain circumstances, female-owned firms engage intensively in innovation activities. These are the foundation of a mid-range theory that combines insights from the resource dependence theory (RDT) and the gender differences in the innovation literature. This study extends the explanatory power of the RDT to gender disparities by suggesting how the gender of entrepreneurs differs in leveraging their resources in response to the external environment and ultimately influencing innovativeness. The findings provide some practical implications for entrepreneurial firms to be highly innovative under different environmental and resource conditions



黄起海教授现任英国哈德菲尔德大学商学院教授管理系主任。其主要研究方向为创新创业与中国企业国际化并获得了欧盟(EU)、英国文化委员会(British Council)、贸工部(UKTI)、管理高级研究院(Advanced Institute of Management)、国际注册会计师协会(The Association Of Chartered Certified Accountants)等机构的资助。近期还参与国家自然科学基金的重大项目,如中国企业国际化和基于平台的创业等。其诸多成果发表于国际重要级期刊,如Regional Studies, Human Resource Management Journal,British Journal of Industrial Relations,Entrepreneurship and Regional Development,Technovation etc.。