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时间:2022-12-16    点击数:

主题:Pricing Strategies for Multi-Channel Retailers

主讲:戴悦 复旦大学



摘要:A key decision faced by multi-channel retailers is whether to charge the same price online and offline. This decision is challenging since consumers are increasingly multi-rooming as they may search offline and then purchase online (showrooming) or the other way around (webrooming). Moreover, compared to a monopoly market, we note that consumers’ behavior is more complicated in a competitive environment with two multi-channel retailers. In this talk, we analyze the uniform vs dual pricing decision for a multi-channel retailer in a monopoly environment and in a competitive environment, respectively. The analysis takes into considerations: (1) consumers’ uncertainty about digital and nondigital product attributes, (2) consumers’ costs of showrooming as well as webrooming, (3) the prevalence of costly product return, and (4) consumers’ heterogeneous brand preferences. We show that uniform pricing can outperform dual pricing with a price lower than the online/offline prices of dual pricing in both monopoly and competitive environments. We have also identified the driving forces of pricing strategies for multi-channel retailers.


戴悦,复旦大学管理学院教授,美国北卡州立大学工业工程博士,美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院/香港城市大学访问学者。教育部新世纪优秀人才,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(首届)获得者,复旦大学卓识计划人选,2009年“Most Cited Articles By Chinese Mainland Authors 2004-2008, Elsevier Economics Journals”荣誉称号。主要研究方向为供应链管理、市场营销和供应链管理的交互研究。研究成果发表于Marketing Science,Manufacturing and Service Operations Management,Production and Operations Management等国际权威期刊。