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时间:2022-12-02    点击数:


主题:Impact of Self-Service Technology in Designing a Service Delivery System




摘要:Self-service technologies have been widely adopted in industries that require the delivery of physical products by services, in which consumers evaluate a product for both the product value and the service value. A typical service delivery system usually involves sales agents and/or self-service technologies, e.g., online services and kiosks, to serve consumers by a co-production process. In other words, both the sales agent (or self-service machine) and the consumer should exert effort, with corresponding service costs. By modeling the co-production output with a Cobb-Douglas production function, we establish a principal-agent model to study the value of self-service technologies in designing a service delivery system wherein the sales agent's service cost is private information. We first characterize the main trade-off between the sales agent and the self-service machine when the firm provides only one service channel. Then, we analyze the value of the self-service machine when the firm can provide both service channels. We find that, interestingly, the firm may possibly provide both service channels, i.e., services offered by the sales agent and the self-service machine, when the level of information uncertainty is high, and the self-service machine’s service cost is intermediate. Moreover, when both service channels are offered, only the efficient sales agent will be contracted, and the inefficient sales agents are screened out of the market by the self-service machine; that is, the self-service machine can help the firm eliminate the information rent. We also investigate how the firm’s service weight in the co-production process and information uncertainty influence the consumer surplus, firm’s choices, contract parameters, and resulting profits. Our results are shown to be robust when our model is extended to consider a single-contract strategy, contracting on effort, a continuous sales agent type, and a general co-production function.

讲座人简介:马利军,深圳大学管理学院教授、博士生导师,电子商务系主任,深圳市电子商务协会副会长,深圳大学大数据智能决策与管理研究院研究员,香港大学、香港城市大学兼职研究员,系香港中文大学EMSc课程、湖南大学MBA课程、清华大学EDP课程、北京大学EDP课程、浙江大学EDP课程兼职教授。马教授本科及硕士毕业于中国科技大学(2001,2003),博士毕业于香港中文大学(2007)。入选首届广东省高等学校“优秀青年教师”培养计划,被评为深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”B类人才等多个人才项目。系国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部同行评议专家,系教育部物流教指委青年教师工作组副组长,系国际期刊《Modern Supply Chain Research and Application》副主编,系深圳市政府物流及供应链评审专家。在国内率先研究行为视角下的供应链管理,主持及参与国家及省部级项目近20项。出版教材、研究专著5部,在UTD期刊Productions and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research上发表多篇论文。研究成果获省市级10余项科研奖励。为顺丰速运、香港利丰集团、香港大同集团提供供应链管理咨询服务。