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时间:2022-06-02    点击数:



讲座题目:When do auditors adjust audit fees in response to heightened misstatement risk?

主讲人:李留闯 西安交通大学管理学院 教授


讲座地点:腾讯会议:626 918 873


We examine when auditors adjust audit fees in response to heightened misstatement risk. Difference-in-differences regression results show auditors only increase audit fees subsequent to the completion of misstatements, rather than in an early stage where clients are engaging in misstatements. Cross-sectional tests show that auditors’bargaining power, client complexity or the presence of lenders help explain the delayed audit fee adjustment. As increases in audit fees not only accelerate the revelation of misstatements but postpone the issuance of annual reports, suggesting that audit fee increases, albeit being delayed, are a manifestation of extra audit effort, consistent with the risk adjustment hypothesis. We also show that delayed audit fee increases provide an alternative explanation to the negative association between audit fees and misstatements documented by Lobo and Zhao (2013).


李留闯,现任西安交通大学管理学院会计系教授。研究兴趣主要集中会计制度安排的经济后果,包括会计制度、审计监管、媒体等对上市公司信息披露、会计信息质量、审计师行为、审计市场效率的影响等等。近年来在国内外期刊发表论文20余篇,包括The Accounting Review、Journal of Banking & Finance、Financial Management、Auditing: a Journal of Practice & Theory等;同时还担任JBF、南开管理评论等通讯审稿人。