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时间:2024-06-28    点击数:

讲座题目:Choice-equipped Chatbots in Customer Service: A Blessing or a Curse? (配备选择功能的聊天机器人在客户服务中:是福还是祸?)

主讲人:张晗     佐治亚理工学院商学院





During interactions with customers, service chatbots are increasingly equipped to provide choices to streamline the service delivery process. This research investigates when and why the implementation of choices enhances or impairs customers’ service experience. Based on the concept of fluency, we posit that the implementation of choices is beneficial only after a conversational breakdown due to a chatbot failure; otherwise, the value of choice provision for facilitating fluency may not be salient enough. We further propose that choice provision is counterproductive when the choice set is incomprehensive, reducing (rather than enhancing) the fluency in the use of provided choices for a subsequent decision. We conducted several experiments to test these hypotheses. By illuminating when and why choice implementation may help or harm customers during a chatbot-initiated service interaction, we augment the current understanding of a chatbot’s role in customers’ service experience and provide insights for the deployment of choice-equipped chatbots in customer service.



张晗博士,美国佐治亚理工学院商学院信息技术管理终身教授,Steven A. Denning技术与管理讲座教授。张晗教授于德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校取得信息系统博士学位,主要研究领域为信息技术经济学、在线信任和声誉、在线口碑和电子市场的演变。学术论文发表在MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Association for Information Systems等学术期刊。目前担任期刊MIS Quarterly, Information & Management, Journal of Information Systems and E-Business Management三本期刊的高级编辑。