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时间:2024-05-24    点击数:

讲座题目:Morality meets risk(道德逢险)

主讲人:郑家昆 法国艾克斯-马赛经济学院




Are people born moral (人之初,性本善?)? Recent literature shows that they may not be, but rather seek to feel moral. In particular, decision environments can influence observed morality. In a series of studies, we demonstrate that risk embedded in decision outcomes can serve as excuses for selfishness, irrespective of whether outcomes result in benefits or losses. The extent of excuse-driven behaviors varies widely and depends on various factors, such as one’s own risk preferences and the perceived risk preferences of others. A self-signaling model can account for this heterogeneity. Additionally, we show that the results observed in a non-strategic setting (i.e., dictator games) are applicable to an interpersonal strategic setting (i.e., public good games). It also appears that people hold relatively accurate beliefs about others’ excuse-driven behavior. Finally, we demonstrate that insurance plays an important role beyond being a standard risk management tool. Specifically, we need to be cautious when promoting insurance policies targeting individual risks when there is a clear trade-off between self-interest and the interests of others, as it could potentially erode morality.

人之初,性本善? 最近的文献表明,他们可能不是,而是寻求道德感。特别是,决策环境可以影响观察到的道德。在一系列研究中,我们证明,决策结果中嵌入的风险可以作为自私的借口,而不考虑结果是带来收益还是损失。借口驱动行为的程度差异很大,取决于各种因素,如自己的风险偏好和他人感知的风险偏好。自我信号模型可以解释这种异质性。此外,我们还表明,在非战略环境(即独裁者游戏)中观察到的结果适用于人际战略环境(如公共利益游戏)。它还表明,人们对他人借口驱动的行为持有相对准确的信念。最后,我们证明了保险除了作为一种标准的风险管理工具外,还发挥着重要作用。具体而言,当自身利益和他人利益之间存在明显的权衡时,我们在推广针对个人风险的保险政策时需要谨慎,因为这可能会侵蚀道德。


郑家昆, 2020年博士毕业于法国图卢兹经济学院, 现任法国艾克斯-马赛经济学院(AMSE)和地中海中央理工双聘助理教授(高级), 曾执教于法国图卢兹第一大学和中国人民大学, 主要研究方向包括行为决策, 风险管理与保险, 以及长期公共投资评估。他在这些领域的研究目前已发表于JEEM, JHE, JEBO, IME等期刊, 并获得欧洲风险与保险经济学家协会青年经济学家最佳论文奖, 中国行为与实验经济学论坛最佳论文奖, 国家优秀留学生奖等。此外, 他的研究还获得了中国国家自然科学基金委和法国国家研究署(ANR)的资助。