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时间:2024-05-22    点击数:

讲座题目:Labor Market Transitions over the Business Cycle: Gender Differential in the United States from 2001 to 2020(经济周期中劳动力市场状态的转变:2001年至2020年美国的性别差异)

主讲人:许桦楠 印第安纳大学南本德分校




Using matched panel data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) from 2001 to 2020, this paper examines the gender differential in monthly labor market transitions across the business cycle in the United States. A Markov transition model is applied to investigate the inflows and outflows of different labor force statuses in response to economic fluctuations. Relative to men, women’s flow into employment rises as the economy worsens, and flow into unemployment and not-in-labor-force falls. Cyclical sensitivity is found to be strongest among women with low educational attainment and substantial childcare responsibilities. Tests for structural change brought about by the Great Recession indicate that women experienced a lower probability of leaving the labor force in the post-2007 period relative to men.

本文使用 2001 年至 2020 年 CPS 的匹配面板数据,应用Markov transition model研究美国经济周期中每月劳动力市场状态转变的性别差异。文章发现在经济周期下行时期,女性相比男性有更高的概率流动到就业人群,和更低的概率流动到失业人群和退出劳动力市场。研究发现,受教育程度较低且承担较大育儿责任的女性对经济周期的敏感性最强。对Great Recession所引起的结构变化的测试表明,2007年后女性离开劳动力市场的可能性低于男性。


Dr. Huanan Xu is an associate professor of economics at the Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics, Indiana University South Bend. Dr. Xu received her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Connecticut where her research examined the labor market transitions of different demographic groups over the business cycle. Dr. Xu’s research interests include labor market dynamics, immigration, public policy, and education. Her recent research focuses on the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her publications encompass journals such as the Journal of Public Economics, Economic Inquiry, Labour Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Applied Economics, Research in Labor Economics, and IZA Journal of Development and Migration.

许桦楠博士是印第安纳大学南本德分校经济学副教授,于康涅狄格大学获得经济学博士学位。她的研究涵盖经济周期中不同人口群体的劳动力市场状态转变,也包括劳动力市场的动态、移民、公共政策和教育,她最近的研究重点是 COVID-19 大流行的经济影响。她的文章发表在Journal of Public Economics, Economic Inquiry, Labour Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Applied Economics, Research in Labor Economics, and IZA Journal of Development and Migration等期刊。