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时间:2024-04-03    点击数:

讲座题目: Fair division under objective constraints and ordinal input(客观约束和序数投入下的公平分配)

主讲人:Anna Bogomolnaia University of Glasgow (格拉斯哥大学)  教授




A set A of m indivisible objects is to be fully allocated between n agents; each agent i is to get exactly qi objects. Agents only report their ordinal preference orderings of single objects in A. Thus, a mechanism designer can only partially compare allocations of an agent, based on stochastic dominance.

The paper shows the existence of an allocation rule, which satisfies Ordinal Efficiency (weaker condition than full efficiency, unreachable in this model), Ordinal Proportionality up to one object exchange (oPRO1) and Ordinal Envy-Freeness up to one object exchange (oEF1) (stronger conditions then cardinal ones). It is proven by demonstrating that an appropriate generalization of Round Robin rule (gRR) always exists for the case of different entitlements qi, and satisfies a plethora of attractive normative properties.

Concepts of fairness "up to one object exchange" are introduced as necessary modifications for our new model of classical "up to one object" fairness properties used in standard fair division literature.



Anna Bogomolnaia received her PhD in Economics from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, in 1998. She also holds Master degree in Mathematics from St. Petersburg University, Russia. Before joining University of Glasgow in 2013, she worked at University of Nottingham, Southern Methodist University, and Rice University.

Anna Bogomolnaia,教授,1998年获得西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学经济学博士学位,还拥有俄罗斯圣彼得堡大学数学硕士学位。在2013年加入格拉斯哥大学之前,她曾在诺丁汉大学、南卫理公会大学和莱斯大学工作。研究成果发表于Econometrica,Journal of Economic Theory,Theoretical Economics,Games and Economic Behavior,Management Science,Mathematics of Operations Research等国际期刊。