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时间:2024-03-19    点击数:

讲座题目:To Envy or Admire: When and Why Employees Engage or Disengage from Learning from Better Performers (嫉妒还是钦佩:员工何时以及为何会/不会向表现更佳的同事学习)

主讲人:许寒华 香港浸会大学





We draw on social comparison theory and use a dyadic process to understand when and why a focal employee engages or disengages from interpersonal learning (i.e., advice seeking, feedback seeking, and vicarious learning) from a better-performing employee. We theorize that upward performance comparison (i.e., upward social comparison with respect to job performance at work) with a better-performing employee evokes envy or admiration. Envy discourages coworkers from directly approaching better-performing employees for advice and feedback (i.e., direct interpersonal learning); however, it simultaneously motivates coworkers to engage in vicarious learning through actions such as informal observation (i.e., indirect interpersonal learning). In contrast, admiration encourages coworkers to learn from better-performing employees through both direct and indirect interpersonal learning. We further theorize that a better-performing employee’s expressed humility can mitigate coworkers’ envy and boost their admiration, thereby influencing the downstream interpersonal learning outcomes accordingly. In two multi-wave, multi-source, round-robin surveys of employees in an information technology company (Study 1) and a food processing company (Study 2), we found support for the role of envy in discouraging direct interpersonal learning, while simultaneously promoting indirect interpersonal learning. On the other hand, admiration was found to foster both direct and indirect interpersonal learning. Additionally, expressed humility inhibits the envy-path of interpersonal learning but does not strengthen the admiration-path of interpersonal learning.



许寒华(Erica Xu),香港浸会大学商学院管理系组织行为学副教授。她的研究重点关注领导力、人际动态、权力、亲社会行为和反社会行为以及性别问题。她曾在Administrative Science Quarterly、Journal of Applied Psychology、Organization Science、Journal of Management、Human Resource Management、Journal of Organizational Behavior、Academy of Management Discoveries等知名管理期刊上发表论文。许教授给MBA、DBA和PhD讲解领导力与组织发展、领导力研究前沿、研究方法论等课程。