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时间:2023-12-11    点击数:

题目:移动支付的使用与减少犯罪(Mobile Payment Use and Crime Reduction)

主讲人:凌崚 Georgia College & State University金融学教授

时间:2023年12月14日(周四) 15:00







Using a novel dataset comprising 1,515,409 verdicts from China, along with an index that measures the extent of mobile payment usage, we find that a one standard deviation increase in mobile payment use leads to an 11% decrease in theft rates. Furthermore, this effect is more pronounced in areas with a higher prevalence of cash transactions. These findings suggest that reduced cash circulation in society due to mobile payment use may decrease incentives for stealing. However, we find no evidence to suggest that mobile payment usage influences other crimes like robbery, arson, brawling, homicide, and serious injury by vehicle.

通过使用由中国 1,515,409 份判决书组成的新数据集以及衡量移动支付使用程度的指数,我们发现,移动支付使用率每增加一个标准差,盗窃率就会下降 11%。此外,这种效应在现金交易更为普遍的地区更为明显。这些发现表明,由于使用移动支付而减少了社会中的现金流通,可能会降低盗窃的动机。然而,我们没有发现任何证据表明,使用移动支付会影响其他犯罪,如抢劫、纵火、斗殴、凶杀和乘车重伤。


凌崚, 博士,美国Georgia College & State University金融学教授。研究领域有公司金融, 共同基金,行为金融等。1995年获 betway必威经济学学士学位,2002年获美国Georgia State University (佐治亚州立大学) 工商管理硕士学位 (金融学),2008年获Georgia State University博士学位 (金融学)。所著论文发表在China Economic Review, The Review of Financial Studies, Accounting and Finance, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Financial Markets, Research in International Business and Finance, Finance Research Letters 等多个国外学术期刊。