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时间:2023-11-22    点击数:

题目:Does China's Double Reduction Policy Induce Employment Discrimination Against Women? A Nationwide Correspondence Experiment 双减政策带来了女性就业歧视么?一项全国范围的通讯实验证据

主讲人:李汛 betway必威经济与管理研究院数理经济与数理金融系




We conduct a nationwide correspondence experiment to assess the effect of the Double Reduction Policy on employment discrimination towards women in China. Using 23,078 observations collected through the experiment, we confirm that the implementation of the Double Reduction Policy led to an overall 6.1% decrease in total interview callbacks of women with children. This finding survives a battery of robustness checks. We also find that this effect is more pronounced for mothers who have two children, who apply for positions in foreign companies, and who are in small cities. To explore the mechanism behind the decrease, we further investigate the attitude of HR and employers towards women's role and responsibility in a family before and after the policy via a survey. Surprisingly, we find that HR and employers hold more unfavorable opinions after the policy such as women should take more family responsibilities and women are less efficient than men in the workplace. The policy also significantly decreased the activity of private tutoring institutions, leaving mothers shoulder heavier family responsibilities and thus have less time for their work. Our findings point to the necessity of considering the side effect of the Double Reduction Policy in the labor market.

中文摘要:我们进行一项全国范围的通讯实验以评估双减政策对中国女性就业的影响。使用通讯实验收集的23,078个观察样本,我们发现双减政策导致女性总体面试邀请下降 5.9%。这一结果通过了一系列稳健性检验。为了探索这一变化背后的机制,我们进一步考察人力资源部门和雇主在政策实施前后关于女性家庭角色和责任的态度变化。我们发现人力资源部门和雇主对女性的观点没有以前友好。我们的研究结果说明考虑双减政策在劳动力市场的非预期效应很有必要。


李汛老师现为betway必威副教授, 博士生导师, 数理经济与数理金融系副主任, 美国与加拿大经济研究所副所长, 博士毕业于美国康涅狄格大学。主要研究领域包括但不限于: 数字化平台的外部性和治理、创新创业行为以及数据驱动的公共政策评估。成果发表在 Journal of Law & Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Population Economics, JAMA Internal Medicine等国际和国内学术期刊。主持国自科面上和青年项目, 国社科项目, 教育部项目,同时担任Global Health Research and Policy 和 Agribusiness: An International Journal 期刊编委,以及 AEJ:Applied Economics,Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization、Journal of Population Economics、China Economic Review、《中国工业经济》等杂志匿名审稿人。